It's hard to believe that school starts back next week. Wow, this summer went by pretty fast. In a way I'm kind of ready to go back to work, but I sure am going to miss sleeping in (what little bit I did).
We've had a pretty busy summer over all, Branson, swimming, birthday parties, camping trips, bowling, a new dog. How did we fit it all in?
The kids are so ready to go back to school. There was a preschool open house yesterday after church and the twins love their teacher, so we decided to stop by. Well, we couldn't get them to leave. They are so comfortable in Mrs. H's room. They went right in and gave Mrs. H a big hug and then started playing. I'm not going to have any problems with them next week. Rylie says she's ready to be a second grader. Wow, where did that time go?
I did find out that I'll probably be floating between kindergarten and first grade, but I'm not going to complain. I'm just thanking God that I have a job and I'll move with my kids from last year. I'm really looking forward to see how I'm going to be working it out though.
I think we've finished all the school shopping. Of course, I can't find school uniforms any place (that don't cost an arm and a leg). We have gotten new school shirts and I need to get school shoes this weekend.
I've enjoyed watching my niece this past month but I am going to miss her. Baby B bop will start daycare next week. I'm kind of excited for her but kind of sad too. I think she'll take to it really well.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Ok, I'm back....for now!
I'm grabbing a little computer time before Cody takes the computer for probably 12 hours again today. He's taking some online Stats class and he's been hogging the computer so he can work ahead. I don't think he realizes that I need a little computer time every now and then throughout the day.
Life has been busy in our household. I've been watching my niece for my brother, while he goes through a difficult transition right now. She just turned a year old and is just the sweetest baby. She hardly ever cries and loves playing with the kids. I will say, it doesn't make me want another one. I mean, I love her to death, but at the same time I'm so glad my kids are potty trained and independent. I think Chase and taken to her the most. He complains that he doesn't want to see "B" today and he doesn't want her to sit by him, and don't let her touch my toys because she'll get germs on them. But, he's the one who comes up to her a few times a day and play peek a boo or lets her eat some of HIS ice cream. It's really sweet. Rylie loves to walk her around the house and well, Preslie could care less unless it's an animal.
I did find out that even though the numbers aren't where we would like to see them, I will have a job for the next school year. This is such a huge relief. That puts a paycheck in my pocket and pays for half tuition. And I might add that tuition isn't cheap, but it is so worth it for the type of education my children are receiving. It's really sad thinking that this will be our last year with our school and church family. I watch Rylie playing with her friends, kids who she has known since she's been 2 1/2 years old and it makes me sad to know that we'll be moving. I know God will take care of us and we wouldn't be moving if it wasn't right, but it doesn't make it easier on my heart.
Life has been busy in our household. I've been watching my niece for my brother, while he goes through a difficult transition right now. She just turned a year old and is just the sweetest baby. She hardly ever cries and loves playing with the kids. I will say, it doesn't make me want another one. I mean, I love her to death, but at the same time I'm so glad my kids are potty trained and independent. I think Chase and taken to her the most. He complains that he doesn't want to see "B" today and he doesn't want her to sit by him, and don't let her touch my toys because she'll get germs on them. But, he's the one who comes up to her a few times a day and play peek a boo or lets her eat some of HIS ice cream. It's really sweet. Rylie loves to walk her around the house and well, Preslie could care less unless it's an animal.
I did find out that even though the numbers aren't where we would like to see them, I will have a job for the next school year. This is such a huge relief. That puts a paycheck in my pocket and pays for half tuition. And I might add that tuition isn't cheap, but it is so worth it for the type of education my children are receiving. It's really sad thinking that this will be our last year with our school and church family. I watch Rylie playing with her friends, kids who she has known since she's been 2 1/2 years old and it makes me sad to know that we'll be moving. I know God will take care of us and we wouldn't be moving if it wasn't right, but it doesn't make it easier on my heart.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Haven't been bloggin much
It's summer and there is just not much going on around the home front. Which explains why I haven't posted all that much.
We've been busy going swimming, to the library and trying to get the new pet under control. It's been quite a few years since I've been to the puppy stage again.
Rylie has birthday parties coming up and we're looking forward to those. I need to do some school shopping. Gotta get more uniforms and get school supplies.
We've been busy going swimming, to the library and trying to get the new pet under control. It's been quite a few years since I've been to the puppy stage again.
Rylie has birthday parties coming up and we're looking forward to those. I need to do some school shopping. Gotta get more uniforms and get school supplies.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
New family "pets"
It is very hot here and we have a ton of flies that keep coming into the house. I've constantly got a fly swatter in my hand trying to kill them. Preslie informed me the other day that I needed to quit killing them because they are her and Chase's pets. I did kill one the other day and Preslie got all upset. I had to inform her that it wasn't hers. Now, Chase's "pet" lives in our van so I won't kill it. I've had tried for the life of me to get it out and it's not happening.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Birthday present!!!!
I purchase Rylie's b-day present today. I know what most of you are going to say, her b-day isn't until November. But, this was a special b-day present. I logged on to ticketmaster today and purchased 2 tickets (her and I) to see Miley Cyrus in concert in October in Little Rock. Cody and I are keeping this hush, hush until the actual day of the concert. I'm so excited, because I know this will make her so happy. I did get up in the nosebleed section, but I really wasn't spending a ton of money on these tickets and I also didn't want to get floor and then her not see a thing.
If you talk to Rylie before October.....shhhhhhhhhh. We really want this to be a great surprise.
If you talk to Rylie before October.....shhhhhhhhhh. We really want this to be a great surprise.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Good News? Bad News?
I'm still not sure which one this qualifies as, good news or bad news. We were on vacation earlier in the week in Branson. On our way back to our parking space (after a long day) at Silver Dollar City, Cody's phone started to ring. He checked his voicemail once we were in the car and it was the Air Force recruiter. According to him, they have disqualified Cody from active duty permanently. Which means, he doesn't ever have to go to active duty. This also means that Air Force will not pay for his CRNA school. In a way, this is good news but bad news at the same time. We have to search (we, meaning Cody) for the student loans and scholarships to pay for this school. Plus, we need to get enough to live off of during school. Now, at the same time it also means that once Cody graduates he can start making the big bucks. I think the Air Force was going to give him $64k/year but he can sign on at a local hospital for close to $200k/year.
Please pray that everything works out the way God wants it too.
We had a grand time on vacation. We got there Monday afternoon and spent a few hours at the waterpark at the hotel. The kids had a blast. Tuesday we woke up early and made the trip to Silver Dollar City. It didn't start getting busy there until around 3 pm, which is when we decided we had had enough. The twins couldn't get on too many rides, Preslie was scared of a water raft ride and they were both hot and tired. Rylie had fun. She got Cody on a few rides. Her favorite was the PowderKeg rollercoaster. I think it started out around 65mph. Cody said she had a death grip on the bars but toward the end had the biggest grin on her face. Wednesday we were off to the Outlet malls and we made a trip north to the Bass Pro Shop. I was a little disappointed but they did have almost everything under construction. Yuck. Then we headed back home Thursday morning, after and attempt to hit the outlet mall again.
It feels great to be back home. I loved being on vacation but it always seem more work. Chase and Preslie were totally off, so they were hard to deal with.
Toby was so glad to be home, although he did have a nice break from Preslie at nana's house. Of course, he gave us quite the scare right before we left for our trip. I gave him his rabies shot that morning. One minute he was fine and then the next he went limp with a glazed look in his eyes. I thought there for a little bit we were about ready to lose him. Scared me so bad but I couldn't let Preslie see that. Cody got his hind end elevated and then he seemed to start doing better. We put a call into the vet and they said it was probably just a shock but to keep an eye on him.
Tommy had the house to himself, but I think he was glad to have us back. We got a ton of lovings this morning.
I need to get pictures uploaded onto the computer and then I'll post them. We didn't take a bunch, because we were too busy having fun. But, I got a few.
Please pray that everything works out the way God wants it too.
We had a grand time on vacation. We got there Monday afternoon and spent a few hours at the waterpark at the hotel. The kids had a blast. Tuesday we woke up early and made the trip to Silver Dollar City. It didn't start getting busy there until around 3 pm, which is when we decided we had had enough. The twins couldn't get on too many rides, Preslie was scared of a water raft ride and they were both hot and tired. Rylie had fun. She got Cody on a few rides. Her favorite was the PowderKeg rollercoaster. I think it started out around 65mph. Cody said she had a death grip on the bars but toward the end had the biggest grin on her face. Wednesday we were off to the Outlet malls and we made a trip north to the Bass Pro Shop. I was a little disappointed but they did have almost everything under construction. Yuck. Then we headed back home Thursday morning, after and attempt to hit the outlet mall again.
It feels great to be back home. I loved being on vacation but it always seem more work. Chase and Preslie were totally off, so they were hard to deal with.
Toby was so glad to be home, although he did have a nice break from Preslie at nana's house. Of course, he gave us quite the scare right before we left for our trip. I gave him his rabies shot that morning. One minute he was fine and then the next he went limp with a glazed look in his eyes. I thought there for a little bit we were about ready to lose him. Scared me so bad but I couldn't let Preslie see that. Cody got his hind end elevated and then he seemed to start doing better. We put a call into the vet and they said it was probably just a shock but to keep an eye on him.
Tommy had the house to himself, but I think he was glad to have us back. We got a ton of lovings this morning.
I need to get pictures uploaded onto the computer and then I'll post them. We didn't take a bunch, because we were too busy having fun. But, I got a few.
Friday, May 29, 2009
School's Out for summer
This will be short and brief tonight as the past two weeks are just now catching up to me. I think I've had 1 day since the 15th that I could just relax and not have to be somewhere or do something.
Today is just a little bittersweet. I was so ready for school to be over with, but at the same time it means my kids are another year older in school. I cried today when I realized Rylie is now a second grader. Chase and Preslie will move upstairs next school year to the "big" pre-k class. Although, I love their teacher. Ms. H was Rylie's pre-k teacher and I practically potty trained Chase and Preslie in her room. So the twins love her to death and can't wait to start with her. I love Rylie's second teacher. She was actually working at St. Scholastic when Cody went to Montessori school there....a long time ago. We spent most of the morning and afternoon in the sun because we had field day. Loads of fun. I am going to miss my "other kids" though.
My sister in law graduated from high school last night, which was bittersweet as well. It's so weird, she was the same age that Rylie is now when Cody and I first started dating. I see a little of her (sister in law) in Rylie sometimes. That was a long graduation last night, 469 seniors. Wow, what a long night.
Off to try to sleep. I say try because I have kids to don't want to sleep so they find anything they can to stay awake.
Today is just a little bittersweet. I was so ready for school to be over with, but at the same time it means my kids are another year older in school. I cried today when I realized Rylie is now a second grader. Chase and Preslie will move upstairs next school year to the "big" pre-k class. Although, I love their teacher. Ms. H was Rylie's pre-k teacher and I practically potty trained Chase and Preslie in her room. So the twins love her to death and can't wait to start with her. I love Rylie's second teacher. She was actually working at St. Scholastic when Cody went to Montessori school there....a long time ago. We spent most of the morning and afternoon in the sun because we had field day. Loads of fun. I am going to miss my "other kids" though.
My sister in law graduated from high school last night, which was bittersweet as well. It's so weird, she was the same age that Rylie is now when Cody and I first started dating. I see a little of her (sister in law) in Rylie sometimes. That was a long graduation last night, 469 seniors. Wow, what a long night.
Off to try to sleep. I say try because I have kids to don't want to sleep so they find anything they can to stay awake.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
We lost our first family pet
Mikeyangelo died this afternoon.
I knew he wasn't doing too well. His belly was very bloated and we tried the things that we were told to do, but it just kept getting bigger. This morning he didn't look too great. We left to go to the mall and came home to him laying on his side on the bottom of the tank. Chase took it very well. We told him and he kept telling us "no he's not". Finally he went over and looked at him, Preslie walked over and put her arm around him and said "Mikeyangelo is dead, Chase". Then I heard "oh look he died with his eyes". We took him out of the tank, put him in a staple box and buried him in the yard. Chase, told him goodbye and that he was a good friend and then walked back into the house. Rylie isn't taking it too well. She's the one with tears in her eyes because she misses him.
Now, Chase has requested a turtle that will fit in his tank. I leave you with a picture of Chase and Mikeyangelo.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
It is so that time of year. I never really had allergies until about 14 years ago. I went out into a field one time with a friend and looked horrible when I left. I saw an allergist about a year later and then started on an allergy shot in 97/98. I had about 2 shots left when we moved to IL. I had no problems when we lived in Cali and I really hadn't had any problems since we've been back (almost 6 years). Last year I had little attacks here and there, but nothing compared to the one I had on Wednesday night. I am allergic to all grasses, 3 kinds of trees, pollen, dust mites, cats and some other usual stuff....mold is not one of them. Well, we walked in the door from gymnastics and my eyes started itching, throat got scratchy, I started sneezing and the bridge of my nose started itching (my sign that it's really bothering me). I went to reach for my Claritin, which helps a lot, only to find out that I had no allergy medicine at all. The next pictures are not pretty at all and I really can't believe I'm posting them. I'm so vain that I normally wouldn't just let anyone see them but I really felt they needed to be shown. These pictures were taken on my camera phone, because I had to send the first one to show Cody. Then, I decided to record the process.
This is the first one, it was taken around 6:30 on Wednesday night....about 30 mins after the attack started.

This is the second picture and it was taken before I left for work on Thursday morning, probably around 6:45 am.

Now, here is the 3rd one. I took this Thursday afternoon during naptime, so around 1pm. I'm looking better in this one.

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Movies that suck you in
There are just so certain movies that suck you in. No matter how many times you watch them, you just have to watch them again and again. It happened last night, and it happened again today. I got sucked in last night with Because I Said So with Diane Keaton and Mandy Moore and One Fine Day with George Clooney. Then today, it was I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (the first one sucks me in too) with Freddie Prinze and Jennifer Love Hewitt and I'm now on Twister with Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton.
Mother's Day has been pretty good so far. Pretty low key. The kids gave me their school stuff yesterday. Chase and Preslie made me cards with their thumb prints turned into grapes and the wonderful poem that I got when Rylie was in pre-k (now I have 3, one for each child). Rylie gave me a tile with her silhouette on it and a poem. She also wrote me a story. I did get up early this morning with Preslie. She got sick, but I think it's because she didn't have anything on her stomach and she was just waking up. She's kind of weak but playing around and being a little bit of herself. Cody and Rylie got up this morning and made me alphabet pancakes (I *heart* u). He also got me a card from himself that says "You're wonderful with the kids....especially the large one you married". Oh, it's so true. Then, they gave me a homemade gift card so I can go shopping and buy a new pair of shoes. I want an outfit, but we're about ready to start a new exercise program and I really don't want to get something I won't wear again.
The poem that I've gotten from each one of my children and it's just beautiful:
Mother's Day has been pretty good so far. Pretty low key. The kids gave me their school stuff yesterday. Chase and Preslie made me cards with their thumb prints turned into grapes and the wonderful poem that I got when Rylie was in pre-k (now I have 3, one for each child). Rylie gave me a tile with her silhouette on it and a poem. She also wrote me a story. I did get up early this morning with Preslie. She got sick, but I think it's because she didn't have anything on her stomach and she was just waking up. She's kind of weak but playing around and being a little bit of herself. Cody and Rylie got up this morning and made me alphabet pancakes (I *heart* u). He also got me a card from himself that says "You're wonderful with the kids....especially the large one you married". Oh, it's so true. Then, they gave me a homemade gift card so I can go shopping and buy a new pair of shoes. I want an outfit, but we're about ready to start a new exercise program and I really don't want to get something I won't wear again.
The poem that I've gotten from each one of my children and it's just beautiful:
Earthbound Angels
Our mothers are earthbound angels
Sent by God above
To give our lives direction
And fill our hearts with love.
They have no wings or halos
And yet they are divine,
For years of toil and sacrifice
Have rendered them sublime.
So, mothers, may God bless you
Wherever you may be,
For the gift of love you gave us
Lives on eternally!
Clay Harrison
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Rain, rain go away!!
Please come again another day! I am so sick of seeing it rain. The kids are being cooped up inside, which means they are driving everyone crazy. The PE teacher at school today took all the kids out (since it actually wasn't raining). Of course the playground was muddy and of course, my child had to slid in the mud. Because the PE teacher thought it would be fun to play "pull the clothespin" off someone game. Ya, not a good game to play with a group of 4 year olds on a muddy field. I was told they had to change Chase's clothes because his WHITE school shirt was muddy on the back, his shorts were muddy and when I picked him up....his sock were wet and muddy. Oh yes! I did tell the office that the next time the PE teacher decides to take them out on a muddy field, then he can come to my house and do laundry.
The kids had a dentist appt yesterday and it went great. They all got a clean bill with their teeth. The girls still have a few stains but something we just need to keep an eye on. He said Chase had perfect teeth and gums. He did say that he does hope we can find an orthodontist that will give us a 3 for 1 special. Oh, and Chase got sick. He has a horrible gag reflex and they tried to take pictures of his teeth. Ya, didn't work so well.
Guess what one of my kindergartners gave me? Give up? Ringworm!!! Yep, that's right ringworm. I was looking at one child's arm one day and thinking "oh, this looks like ringworm but her moms a nurse and she's telling me it's a spider bite". Ya, not so much! I got it a couple of days later. It's drying up now, which is wonderful but I'm still keeping it covered.
Work has been super busy. I think we've got less then 3 weeks left and so much to fill into those 3 weeks. I don't think I've had a breather in awhile.
On Friday, Cody and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. We went out on a date to eat dinner at a wonderful place called Rolando's. It was the first date we've been on in over a year and a half. I think it took us an hour to eat and then we were lost and didn't know what to do. I am a very lucky woman to have found such a wonderful husband. Cody is my soul mate and best friend and I can't imagine what I would be without him in my life.
The kids had a dentist appt yesterday and it went great. They all got a clean bill with their teeth. The girls still have a few stains but something we just need to keep an eye on. He said Chase had perfect teeth and gums. He did say that he does hope we can find an orthodontist that will give us a 3 for 1 special. Oh, and Chase got sick. He has a horrible gag reflex and they tried to take pictures of his teeth. Ya, didn't work so well.
Guess what one of my kindergartners gave me? Give up? Ringworm!!! Yep, that's right ringworm. I was looking at one child's arm one day and thinking "oh, this looks like ringworm but her moms a nurse and she's telling me it's a spider bite". Ya, not so much! I got it a couple of days later. It's drying up now, which is wonderful but I'm still keeping it covered.
Work has been super busy. I think we've got less then 3 weeks left and so much to fill into those 3 weeks. I don't think I've had a breather in awhile.
On Friday, Cody and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. We went out on a date to eat dinner at a wonderful place called Rolando's. It was the first date we've been on in over a year and a half. I think it took us an hour to eat and then we were lost and didn't know what to do. I am a very lucky woman to have found such a wonderful husband. Cody is my soul mate and best friend and I can't imagine what I would be without him in my life.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Pictures from our zoo trip
Monday, April 27, 2009
What a Monday
It actually started off pretty easy and good leaving the house. We got to school and a car was blocking one of the lanes, with hazard lights on, and someone was talking to them through the passenger window. I'm thinking "great, couldn't they go somewhere else to park and talk". We get into the parking lot and realize that there is now a police car behind the parked car. Once in the building I look out the window in Chase and Preslie's classroom and notice the police officer looking at C and P's teachers car and the principal's car. I told Ms. V (teacher) that she might want to go out and find out what is wrong (her car was hit while parked there last year). Well, you'll never believe what happened. A deer ran across the road and was hit and was laying under said teacher's car. Now, this is strange because a deer was in the middle of town and nobody knows where it came from. The only info I have on the deer is, it was alive with blood on the face. I know that when animal control came and got it out, it stood up.
Then, I get into the school and was sent out again to pick up a kindergartner because her mom was rear ended and she wanted to go ahead and send the daughter to school. Mom and both kids (who were in the car) are fine. The K was a little shaken up but we got her calmed down.
The kids were wild today. I'm guessing the weather had a part to play. Weird thing, Rylie, Chase and Preslie are really calm and good today.
Then, I get into the school and was sent out again to pick up a kindergartner because her mom was rear ended and she wanted to go ahead and send the daughter to school. Mom and both kids (who were in the car) are fine. The K was a little shaken up but we got her calmed down.
The kids were wild today. I'm guessing the weather had a part to play. Weird thing, Rylie, Chase and Preslie are really calm and good today.
Friday, April 24, 2009
A $16 tip, really!!!
So, I'm going through the receipts today to match them with the checkbook. I come upon a receipt for lunch over the weekend at a new place. My receipt and checkbook show one amount but the computer showed another. First call, the bank to find out where to go from this point. Second call, the restaurant to find out what happened. Well it appears that Cody gave a $6 tip but my receipt shows the amount $10 less then the one at the restaurant. He wrote the wrong amount on the original copy. I will be going by there tomorrow to pick up a copy for my records. But, seriously did this person not notice the amount? I guess this is just chalked up to lesson learned.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hannah Montana: The Movie and a broken heart
I took Rylie to see the Hannah Montana movie this afternoon and I must say, it was pretty good. I was laughing so hard at parts. The movie had a good message to little girls as well. Rylie really loved it and it was a little funny looking over and watching Rylie singing the songs.
Cody and I had to break our girls heart today and it was very hard. Rylie was going to go to gymnastics camp at the University this summer. Cody talked to a couple of women he works/ed with who sent their girls to the camp. They said that the camp was more geared for the older girls (probably 12 and up). The supervision was horrible. They have a bunch high school/college girls watching the girls. They also said that girls were being left behind because there was no real role call. We made the decision that broke our girls heart. We decided we were not comfortable sending her away to this camp. I bribed her with a new gymnastics outfit and that seemed to work.
Cody and I had to break our girls heart today and it was very hard. Rylie was going to go to gymnastics camp at the University this summer. Cody talked to a couple of women he works/ed with who sent their girls to the camp. They said that the camp was more geared for the older girls (probably 12 and up). The supervision was horrible. They have a bunch high school/college girls watching the girls. They also said that girls were being left behind because there was no real role call. We made the decision that broke our girls heart. We decided we were not comfortable sending her away to this camp. I bribed her with a new gymnastics outfit and that seemed to work.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Rylie got her letter
It came in the mail today!!!!!
She got the invite letter to become a member of the Girl's Competitive Team. So, she will now be on the level 4 team. She starts training on June 9th. She will take gymnastics on Tuesday and Thursdays from 4pm to 7pm.
The letter says that "only a small percentage of the girls in our program are ever invited to move to competitive gymnastics". It says she has shown the physical ability and skill level necessary to become a successful Level 4 gymnast. It also says that their level 4 is historically one of the best in the state.
Rylie is so excited. Cody and I are so proud because this is what she wants. Of course, we knew the letter was coming but we didn't want to tell Rylie until she got it.
The cost will be an additional $80 per month but I think we can do it. We'll have to do it because like I said Rylie wants it. We're going to do everything in our power to help our children achieve their dreams. I really do believe that God will help us to figure this out.
Let's pray that the house sells so we can move into town and the schedule will be easier to deal with and that we can pay a few things off.
She got the invite letter to become a member of the Girl's Competitive Team. So, she will now be on the level 4 team. She starts training on June 9th. She will take gymnastics on Tuesday and Thursdays from 4pm to 7pm.
The letter says that "only a small percentage of the girls in our program are ever invited to move to competitive gymnastics". It says she has shown the physical ability and skill level necessary to become a successful Level 4 gymnast. It also says that their level 4 is historically one of the best in the state.
Rylie is so excited. Cody and I are so proud because this is what she wants. Of course, we knew the letter was coming but we didn't want to tell Rylie until she got it.
The cost will be an additional $80 per month but I think we can do it. We'll have to do it because like I said Rylie wants it. We're going to do everything in our power to help our children achieve their dreams. I really do believe that God will help us to figure this out.
Let's pray that the house sells so we can move into town and the schedule will be easier to deal with and that we can pay a few things off.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I want a yellow chick
The kids got the famous Peeps in their Easter baskets at Nana's house. They came in the kids favorite colors, Chase got blue, Preslie got yellow and Rylie with her signature color of pink.
Last night, I bribed the kids with "if you eat all your dinner you can have strawberry cake for dessert". So, Preslie told me she wanted her cake with a yellow chick on it. This is how the conversation went.
P..I'd like a yellow chick on my cake momma
Me..not gonna happen sweetheart, you've got the cake you do not need to add the marshmallow and sugar from the chick to it.
So, she goes off and eats her cake ALL gone. Puts her plate in the sink. was the cake good P-pod?
P..yes, but I didn't like the strawberries (Note: there are no strawberries left on the plate because she has eaten them)
Me..Ok, I'll remember that for next time
P..hey mom, that cake was good (as she looking at the top of the fridge) but I bet it would be better with a yellow chick on it. Maybe I can have it on it tomorrow night.
Me..Ok sweetie,we'll have to talk about it tomorrow.
Last night, I bribed the kids with "if you eat all your dinner you can have strawberry cake for dessert". So, Preslie told me she wanted her cake with a yellow chick on it. This is how the conversation went.
P..I'd like a yellow chick on my cake momma
Me..not gonna happen sweetheart, you've got the cake you do not need to add the marshmallow and sugar from the chick to it.
So, she goes off and eats her cake ALL gone. Puts her plate in the sink. was the cake good P-pod?
P..yes, but I didn't like the strawberries (Note: there are no strawberries left on the plate because she has eaten them)
Me..Ok, I'll remember that for next time
P..hey mom, that cake was good (as she looking at the top of the fridge) but I bet it would be better with a yellow chick on it. Maybe I can have it on it tomorrow night.
Me..Ok sweetie,we'll have to talk about it tomorrow.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Daddy's girl
She may say she's a mommy and daddy's girl, but we all know that Rylie is strictly a daddy's girl. She's got her daddy wrapped around her finger. Has since the day she was born. She just has to flash those eyes and he melts. He does tell her "no", but I don't think he really wants to.
Last night, Cody had to work late. Rylie hates it when daddy works late and she can't kiss him goodnight. On nights like last night, she'll lay down in our bed and cuddle up to his pillows and then wait for daddy to come home and kiss her goodnight and then carry her to her bed. Last night, she just stayed in our room after Cody came home. I work up at 4 am and she was in the middle of us sound asleep, but with her hands holding his arm. I think was afraid to let him go.
Oh, next year will be so hard on her. I think that will be the longest 5 months of her little life.
Now, Chase and Preslie love their daddy but they love their momma too. I don't think they have a preference, unless they are in church. That's the one place they think they need to hang on me every second.
Last night, Cody had to work late. Rylie hates it when daddy works late and she can't kiss him goodnight. On nights like last night, she'll lay down in our bed and cuddle up to his pillows and then wait for daddy to come home and kiss her goodnight and then carry her to her bed. Last night, she just stayed in our room after Cody came home. I work up at 4 am and she was in the middle of us sound asleep, but with her hands holding his arm. I think was afraid to let him go.
Oh, next year will be so hard on her. I think that will be the longest 5 months of her little life.
Now, Chase and Preslie love their daddy but they love their momma too. I don't think they have a preference, unless they are in church. That's the one place they think they need to hang on me every second.
It's that time of year again
The time of year I really dread. I love the warmer weather but I dislike the storms.....I really dislike the storms.
We've got one going on right now. Dark skies, hail, wind, lots of rain and weather men on tv freaking me out. I do not like storms, but I put on the brave front for the kids. I think I'd be find, but those weather people know how to play on my weak side.
Cody's working the night shift tonight, so it's just me and the kids. We're all in the bedroom with all the blankets and such ready to take cover if needed (which it's probably not but still prepared). Toby's in the bed with us. That dog is such a wuss when it comes to thunder.
The kids are watching Cats and Dogs and it's quite a funny movie. Helps take our minds off of things.
We've got one going on right now. Dark skies, hail, wind, lots of rain and weather men on tv freaking me out. I do not like storms, but I put on the brave front for the kids. I think I'd be find, but those weather people know how to play on my weak side.
Cody's working the night shift tonight, so it's just me and the kids. We're all in the bedroom with all the blankets and such ready to take cover if needed (which it's probably not but still prepared). Toby's in the bed with us. That dog is such a wuss when it comes to thunder.
The kids are watching Cats and Dogs and it's quite a funny movie. Helps take our minds off of things.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Please let today be better
We are on our final (hopefully) day of the lovely testing and I hope that today is better. Monday we had a little girl who literally cried and whimpered all day because she scratched her neck. She wanted her mom and wanted to go home. That was not happening because then she'd try to pull that each and every time, except it would get worse. Well yesterday was worse. She didn't even get to test. She spent the first test in the office screaming (you could hear her down the hall), then she came back to class and started throwing her pencil and screaming again. Needless to say, she spent up until lunch time in the office and then seemed fine. Mrs. K handled it all so great. She was very calm. Later at nap time, the little girl told me that she just worries. Not for sure if it was the tests or what but I'm hoping she's fine now. I told her that little kids are supposed to have fun and play and not to worry. We'll see how it goes.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Why does she fight the sleep?
For some reason Preslie has been fighting going to sleep the past few weeks. She will lay in there and cry "Tooooobbbbbbbyyyyyy, Toby", until he's brought in to sleep with her. It could be seconds or minutes before he leaves and it doesn't phase her but she has to have that contact. Some nights, I wake up and she's on the floor asleep by Toby and his bed (which just so happens to be right beside my bed).
Oh please let her out grow this stage soon.
Oh please let her out grow this stage soon.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It's been a couple of slow day
We haven't been doing too much around here the past couple of day. Cody finished up some flooring stuff yesterday. The kids played outside until it started to storm and then I read a book. Today was another slow one. The kids and I did get out for a bit. I went and bought the "For Sale by Owner" sign and stuff needed for the yard. Took the kids to Target to look at toys and then we went to Wal-mart to buy Chase a new mp3 player. See, boring!!!!!
I'm hoping it clears up by tomorrow because we really want to take the kids to the zoo in Tulsa. We're also looking at some backup ideas, but we're still not sure yet.
I'm ready to school to start back, but not for me. I want to send the kids back and let me have a couple of days.
I'm hoping it clears up by tomorrow because we really want to take the kids to the zoo in Tulsa. We're also looking at some backup ideas, but we're still not sure yet.
I'm ready to school to start back, but not for me. I want to send the kids back and let me have a couple of days.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Day One of Spring Break: police dept
Yep, that's right the police department.
Cody and I have been laying the new floors down so we parked the van in the driveway last night and I really don't think I locked the doors when we got back from church. Anyway, went out this morning to get something and I noticed my drivers side door wasn't shut all the way. They only took my mp3 player and Chase's mp3 player (which I need to now replace). We were very lucky, because the girls mp3 players were in the back, my camera was in a compartment, along with some of the kids cash that I forgot was in there. Cody and the police officer seem to think it was just kids. The two players were sitting on the front console and nothing else was touched. It upsets me, but it taught me a lesson as well. I'm not used to locking the door because I usually keep it in the garage. But, we were also very blessed as I said before. I know the police really can't do too much about it. I did just want to get a report in case something else happened around here. They also destroyed my yard sign. It was an enrollment sign for the kids school and it's in the yard on a metal stand. The metal was snapped, so somebody kept pushing it over.
On a happy note, the floors look wonderful. Although, they were a pain to put in. Probably more so for Cody then for me. Now, I'm going to be putting the house on the market next week. Let's say special prayers that we can sell this house soon.
Chase has been feeling pretty yucky. I think he's got a combo cold and allergies. Poor boy.
Cody and I have been laying the new floors down so we parked the van in the driveway last night and I really don't think I locked the doors when we got back from church. Anyway, went out this morning to get something and I noticed my drivers side door wasn't shut all the way. They only took my mp3 player and Chase's mp3 player (which I need to now replace). We were very lucky, because the girls mp3 players were in the back, my camera was in a compartment, along with some of the kids cash that I forgot was in there. Cody and the police officer seem to think it was just kids. The two players were sitting on the front console and nothing else was touched. It upsets me, but it taught me a lesson as well. I'm not used to locking the door because I usually keep it in the garage. But, we were also very blessed as I said before. I know the police really can't do too much about it. I did just want to get a report in case something else happened around here. They also destroyed my yard sign. It was an enrollment sign for the kids school and it's in the yard on a metal stand. The metal was snapped, so somebody kept pushing it over.
On a happy note, the floors look wonderful. Although, they were a pain to put in. Probably more so for Cody then for me. Now, I'm going to be putting the house on the market next week. Let's say special prayers that we can sell this house soon.
Chase has been feeling pretty yucky. I think he's got a combo cold and allergies. Poor boy.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Spring Break
I just wanted to say "YIPPIE, it's SPRING BREAK". I'm so excited. Of course, I'm sitting here on the computer while Cody is trying to put in the new floors. Guess I need to go help.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Another kid funny
We got to school this morning and the church lights were on. Rylie asked me if we had church today and I told her no, so she asked me why the lights were on. Before I could respond, Preslie said "maybe the old people have church today". I almost lost it, ok I did loose it.
My kids
Chase~~this kid is really a laugh a minute. Yesterday, we were at gymnastics and I let the kids play in the play area for a bit before it started. Rylie was trying to help Preslie with something and was having a hard time. Some older boys came up and were just watching them. Chase walked up to them, stood there and looked for a minute and then said "that's my girls". I thought that was just so sweet. Then, he preceded to stand there until the boys walked away and then he went about his way. On the way home last night, we drove past the big Mr.Peanut. I heard Chase say "hello Mr. Peanut". And then I heard in a weird voice "hello Chase, Rylie and Preslie". Then Chase told me that Mr. Peanut gave up peanuts for lent. Too funny.
Preslie~~loves to have Toby dog sleep with her. I mean she wants him brought into her everynight and Toby goes and lays down with her for a bit. I think he waits for her to fall asleep and then he goes and gets into his bed (which is beside my side of the bed because he has to sleep w/me everynight). Now, Preslie will get up in the middle of the night with her pillow and blanket and lies down with Toby. I wake up every morning and she's on the floor beside my bed. Not for sure what I'm going to do with her. She also thinks that if we move to a new house, that she's getting another dog.
Rylie~~she's just growing up way to much. We meet with her teacher this afternoon to pick up her report card. I'm sure it will be good. She now has her own alarm clock that wakes her up every morning. This first morning, I stood at the door and watched. She'll be going to the gymnastics camp at the university for a week in June and even though I'm pumping it up for her, I'm really sad. We are going to get her a cell phone to take with her. She'll probably only be able to call mom and dad. Her gymnastics are going great. She loves it so much.
Preslie~~loves to have Toby dog sleep with her. I mean she wants him brought into her everynight and Toby goes and lays down with her for a bit. I think he waits for her to fall asleep and then he goes and gets into his bed (which is beside my side of the bed because he has to sleep w/me everynight). Now, Preslie will get up in the middle of the night with her pillow and blanket and lies down with Toby. I wake up every morning and she's on the floor beside my bed. Not for sure what I'm going to do with her. She also thinks that if we move to a new house, that she's getting another dog.
Rylie~~she's just growing up way to much. We meet with her teacher this afternoon to pick up her report card. I'm sure it will be good. She now has her own alarm clock that wakes her up every morning. This first morning, I stood at the door and watched. She'll be going to the gymnastics camp at the university for a week in June and even though I'm pumping it up for her, I'm really sad. We are going to get her a cell phone to take with her. She'll probably only be able to call mom and dad. Her gymnastics are going great. She loves it so much.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Open-toed shoes, polish and warmer weather
Yes, I believe that you do not wear open-toed shoes, flip flops or sandals unless you have your toe nails painted. There are some days where I do try to match my polish with my outfits. Yesterday morning I took off the red and put on the purple. This morning, I need to take off the purple and put on the green.
So please (and you know who you are!!!!) remember your toes. They love to look pretty. Pretty shoes, pretty toes make a women feel sexy and pretty.
Ok, that's my public service announcement for today.
So please (and you know who you are!!!!) remember your toes. They love to look pretty. Pretty shoes, pretty toes make a women feel sexy and pretty.
Ok, that's my public service announcement for today.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Getting the house ready
We are in the process of getting the house ready to put on the market. I want to list the house no later then the first of April. We've already painted. We did that 2 years ago when we put it on the market. We went out today and bought the new flooring. I'm so excited. It's sitting in the living room right now. We'll probably start messing with it next weekend.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
What a great weekend
We had such a wonderful weekend and it was made even more wonderful by the weather.
Friday, we took all the kids up to the university to see the Lady Razorback gymnastics (or Gym'Backs as they are called). I wish I had my camera on me to capture the grin on Rylie's face. She was in absolute heaven watching them. Chase and Preslie were pretty good for the first half, but by the second half they were getting tired and hyper. Of course, I think I contained them fairly well. Cody will be taking Rylie to the NCAA regionals on April 4th. Rylie loves gymnastics. We decided that we would send her to the University gymnastics camp this summer. It's a week long program where she will stay there at the dorm and workout in their gym (which is of the best in the US).
Saturday, we woke up and went out to see Papa John Dale. The kids love going out there. We met at Uncle Trent's house and they played outside the entire time (well except for the time they were in the house playing Rock Band). Papa took them in the field to play with the hay and they had a ball. They were climbing all over it and laughing. Then, of course the girls found a kitten. That kept them occupied for quite awhile. After we left there, we took them to the $1 movie (which is now the $2 movie) to see Bolt. I told Preslie as soon as it came out there we'd go. I don't think those kids moved a muscle during the movie. They loved it. Then it was time for ice cream cones (coffee for me....I'm still doing good).
Today, we woke up (a little late thanks to the time change) and headed out to Mass. The kids were so good. After we took communion, Chase asked if church was over and I told him "yes" and the first thing he wanted to know is "was I good momma". We went to lunch and then to Wal-mart to pick up a few things. I did some yard work while Cody played with the kids, then I mowed the yard. Just a bunch of the flower weeds that pop up right about now but I can't stand them making the yard look gross. The kids played outside forever. I love this type of weather.
Not much else happened this weekend. I got my new Nora Roberts books in the mall on Friday, already finished one and I'm about to start another one. Boy oh boy, can't wait until the new books come out this summer.
Friday, we took all the kids up to the university to see the Lady Razorback gymnastics (or Gym'Backs as they are called). I wish I had my camera on me to capture the grin on Rylie's face. She was in absolute heaven watching them. Chase and Preslie were pretty good for the first half, but by the second half they were getting tired and hyper. Of course, I think I contained them fairly well. Cody will be taking Rylie to the NCAA regionals on April 4th. Rylie loves gymnastics. We decided that we would send her to the University gymnastics camp this summer. It's a week long program where she will stay there at the dorm and workout in their gym (which is of the best in the US).
Saturday, we woke up and went out to see Papa John Dale. The kids love going out there. We met at Uncle Trent's house and they played outside the entire time (well except for the time they were in the house playing Rock Band). Papa took them in the field to play with the hay and they had a ball. They were climbing all over it and laughing. Then, of course the girls found a kitten. That kept them occupied for quite awhile. After we left there, we took them to the $1 movie (which is now the $2 movie) to see Bolt. I told Preslie as soon as it came out there we'd go. I don't think those kids moved a muscle during the movie. They loved it. Then it was time for ice cream cones (coffee for me....I'm still doing good).
Today, we woke up (a little late thanks to the time change) and headed out to Mass. The kids were so good. After we took communion, Chase asked if church was over and I told him "yes" and the first thing he wanted to know is "was I good momma". We went to lunch and then to Wal-mart to pick up a few things. I did some yard work while Cody played with the kids, then I mowed the yard. Just a bunch of the flower weeds that pop up right about now but I can't stand them making the yard look gross. The kids played outside forever. I love this type of weather.
Not much else happened this weekend. I got my new Nora Roberts books in the mall on Friday, already finished one and I'm about to start another one. Boy oh boy, can't wait until the new books come out this summer.
Monday, March 2, 2009
It makes my insides hurt....
Chase told me tonight he didn't like doing exercise with us because it makes his insides hurt. He said this as he's holding his stomach.
Friday, February 27, 2009
It's little things that excite me.....
I just ordered 4 Nora Roberts books from Amazon and I can't wait until they come in. They are all used, but from her very early collections in the very early 80's. Anyway, I'm so excited and I can't wait to read them. I told Cody that I should have them read within a week. So during that time we all know I won't be near the computer. Once I start a book, I can't stop.
I'm also excited because I checked out Nora's website and 4 of her books are being turned into movies. They will start on Lifetime in a couple of weeks. She's also got 3 new books coming out this year. I have to wait until April for one and Dec for the 2nd one in that series. And then the one that sounds so good doesn't come out until July.
It's pretty bad that books get me so excited.
I'm also excited because I checked out Nora's website and 4 of her books are being turned into movies. They will start on Lifetime in a couple of weeks. She's also got 3 new books coming out this year. I have to wait until April for one and Dec for the 2nd one in that series. And then the one that sounds so good doesn't come out until July.
It's pretty bad that books get me so excited.
New do and exercise
Yes, I said the "e" word and I've even doing it. Cody and I made our decisions of what we were giving up for Lent this year. I gave up my desserts again and I'm doing pretty good so far. I'm not a milk drinker, but I've been drinking chocolate milk with my lunch at school. It fills me up too. Cody gave up all carbonated beverages. He said yesterday was a pretty hard day but I'm sure it will get better for him. Anyway, he mentions that since we're giving something up we should also add something. And that something was simple exercises at home. So he went the other day and bought us an ab dvd and then a pilates one. We started Wednesday night and I was sore yesterday. But now this morning I got up early and did some pilates. I felt pretty good. I really hope I can continue this. I always start out good but then wither away at the progress.
I went and got my hair chopped off on Monday. I love it. Cody said it's the shortest he's ever seen it but he likes it too. My challenge is trying to fix it. I'm use to just brushing and going or just spraying in some gel. Now, I use wax and style it a bit. I love it. It looks like it was colored but I think it's just because she cut a lot of gray out. I am going to get some highlights, but I'll wait on that. I hate spending the money for that.
I think we'll be getting some family pictures taken next month. I thought about doing one for Easter with the kids in the new Easter outfits, but I can't find anything for Cody and I to wear that kind of matches. So, I may just go for a nice spring picture with khaki pants or something along those lines. I'm going to a local one hour photo place that charges a nice sitting fee, but I get all the proofs and I can order something if I want to. Which, I may just order one 8 x 10 for our wall because I can just imagine what the prices of the pictures would be.
I've been pretty busy around here. We're trying to price flooring for the house so we can redo some stuff before we put it on the market. I'm shooting for April and then hopefully we can sale fast. If we sale before the move next summer, then we'll move into town and rent a house. The money that we make from the sale will be used to pay off the van or some other bills. I know we want to rip the carpet up out of the living room and the hallway by the garage. We really want to put down laminate. Then, in the kitchen, bathrooms, hallway and laundry room we're just going to put down some of those peel and stick for a new "fresh" look. That will hopefully be able to help sale. We need a new fence but I really don't want to mess with that and I don't think it's the big factor here. It's not in horrible shape but we want something that looks better.
I went and got my hair chopped off on Monday. I love it. Cody said it's the shortest he's ever seen it but he likes it too. My challenge is trying to fix it. I'm use to just brushing and going or just spraying in some gel. Now, I use wax and style it a bit. I love it. It looks like it was colored but I think it's just because she cut a lot of gray out. I am going to get some highlights, but I'll wait on that. I hate spending the money for that.
I think we'll be getting some family pictures taken next month. I thought about doing one for Easter with the kids in the new Easter outfits, but I can't find anything for Cody and I to wear that kind of matches. So, I may just go for a nice spring picture with khaki pants or something along those lines. I'm going to a local one hour photo place that charges a nice sitting fee, but I get all the proofs and I can order something if I want to. Which, I may just order one 8 x 10 for our wall because I can just imagine what the prices of the pictures would be.
I've been pretty busy around here. We're trying to price flooring for the house so we can redo some stuff before we put it on the market. I'm shooting for April and then hopefully we can sale fast. If we sale before the move next summer, then we'll move into town and rent a house. The money that we make from the sale will be used to pay off the van or some other bills. I know we want to rip the carpet up out of the living room and the hallway by the garage. We really want to put down laminate. Then, in the kitchen, bathrooms, hallway and laundry room we're just going to put down some of those peel and stick for a new "fresh" look. That will hopefully be able to help sale. We need a new fence but I really don't want to mess with that and I don't think it's the big factor here. It's not in horrible shape but we want something that looks better.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Classic Movies
I'm so excited!!!! I have someone to watch classic movies with, classic musicials. Rylie has gone from watching cartoons to watching "big" kid movies now. Well last night one of my all time favorites came on, Grease and Rylie watched it with me and loved it. It was great. Then of course today I watched it again and then I watched Grease 2.
Some of my other classic favorites: Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte, Gone With The Wind (which came on yesterday and I caught the end) and of course all the Gidget movies. I know there are so many more, but I just can't think of them right now.
Some of my other classic favorites: Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte, Gone With The Wind (which came on yesterday and I caught the end) and of course all the Gidget movies. I know there are so many more, but I just can't think of them right now.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Have to brag a little bit
Ok, I'm a proud momma and I have to brag for a bit.
Chase and Preslie have been going to mass on Sundays with us as a family. And I admit that as a mom I'm not the greatest at getting them to kneel, or stand with us. I usually just let them sit there and write on a piece of paper. I (Cody and I) realize that they are 4 years old and need to start getting into mass a little bit more. So we talked to the principal and their teacher about letting them go to mass every Friday with the school. I felt that if they see their peers doing what needs to be done, then they will get it. So today was their second week at Friday mass. Last week they did really good. This week, the school librarian (who sat with them) told me how good they were and she said they were probably the best pre-k kids there. Talk about making me feel great.
We broke the news to Rylie's gymnastics coach last week about moving next year. And I'm guessing we were the talk on a meeting because I've had several coaches come up to me and ask us about the move. They say that they really don't want to loose Rylie. Her coach was upset because, well she's been Rylie's coach for 4 of the 5 years that Rylie has been in gymnastics. I walk into the gym on Wednesday and the owner's daughter in law (who works in the office) and another one of the coaches asked me about the move, again. They told me that they know the owners of the gym in Jonesboro/Paragould and to tell them when we move. They told me that they will make a phone call to the gym to tell them about Rylie and get us in there. I guess that means that they think Rylie's good. I mean if they didn't, would they go to the effort of the call?
I really do have some great kids and I love them so much, even when they drive me crazy.
Chase and Preslie have been going to mass on Sundays with us as a family. And I admit that as a mom I'm not the greatest at getting them to kneel, or stand with us. I usually just let them sit there and write on a piece of paper. I (Cody and I) realize that they are 4 years old and need to start getting into mass a little bit more. So we talked to the principal and their teacher about letting them go to mass every Friday with the school. I felt that if they see their peers doing what needs to be done, then they will get it. So today was their second week at Friday mass. Last week they did really good. This week, the school librarian (who sat with them) told me how good they were and she said they were probably the best pre-k kids there. Talk about making me feel great.
We broke the news to Rylie's gymnastics coach last week about moving next year. And I'm guessing we were the talk on a meeting because I've had several coaches come up to me and ask us about the move. They say that they really don't want to loose Rylie. Her coach was upset because, well she's been Rylie's coach for 4 of the 5 years that Rylie has been in gymnastics. I walk into the gym on Wednesday and the owner's daughter in law (who works in the office) and another one of the coaches asked me about the move, again. They told me that they know the owners of the gym in Jonesboro/Paragould and to tell them when we move. They told me that they will make a phone call to the gym to tell them about Rylie and get us in there. I guess that means that they think Rylie's good. I mean if they didn't, would they go to the effort of the call?
I really do have some great kids and I love them so much, even when they drive me crazy.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Even though we really don't celebrate Valentine's Day. We haven't celebrated V-day in, oh about 12 years. I will say I did get a new phone last year, but I think it was because Cody wanted one as well. This year, we exchanged cards and Cody did get me a Dr. Pepper. Cody always buys something for the kids though. Which is rather sweet. Rylie made her daddy a Valentine's Day book, titled "How Munch I love my dad". It talks about how munch (her spelling) she loves her dad and there is a picture of a little girl with her arms open wide. The next page is how her daddy is sweet and "selly" and funny...with a picture of them laughing. One that says Happy Valentines Day dad, will you be my Valentine. My favorite page says "dad when you are off work again can you take me to Red Lobster". One that says how she loves Valentine's Day because it's about love. And her last page says "I love to smile, by Rylie".
The book brought tears to my eyes. In fact, I loved it so much I had to show it to Cody early because I couldn't wait. I have to say he acted very surprised today when he read it. I also took it to school yesterday and showed it off. Everyone thought it was sweet.
We went out and bought the kids their Easter outfits today. I really need to take pictures of them and post them because they are beautiful and handsome. I'm trying to decide what I want to wear.
The book brought tears to my eyes. In fact, I loved it so much I had to show it to Cody early because I couldn't wait. I have to say he acted very surprised today when he read it. I also took it to school yesterday and showed it off. Everyone thought it was sweet.
We went out and bought the kids their Easter outfits today. I really need to take pictures of them and post them because they are beautiful and handsome. I'm trying to decide what I want to wear.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
More sick kids
and another day off work. Yuck!!!!!
I think Chase and Rylie are doing a little bit better. I think the bulk of it hit last night. We're just taking a feel better day because I don't want them to get their classmates sick. I do have to cancel gymnastics for this afternoon and then move everyone to tomorrow night. I hope there is a space open.
I guess I'll be doing some laundry and picking up the house a little bit today. Not for sure what else I'll be doing. Cody's brought the kids home 7-up last night and I'll take the movies back when he gets home tonight.
I can't stand being in the house all the time. I'm the type that needs to get out. Heck, being in the house for 2 days last week drove me nuts. So we spent all day Saturday doing nothing but being in town. I guess we'll have to do that again this weekend, but I'm not sure what we'll be doing because Cody has guard so it will just be me and the kids.
Ok, I just looked up at my ceiling fan in my bedroom and I'll be cleaning that today.
I think Chase and Rylie are doing a little bit better. I think the bulk of it hit last night. We're just taking a feel better day because I don't want them to get their classmates sick. I do have to cancel gymnastics for this afternoon and then move everyone to tomorrow night. I hope there is a space open.
I guess I'll be doing some laundry and picking up the house a little bit today. Not for sure what else I'll be doing. Cody's brought the kids home 7-up last night and I'll take the movies back when he gets home tonight.
I can't stand being in the house all the time. I'm the type that needs to get out. Heck, being in the house for 2 days last week drove me nuts. So we spent all day Saturday doing nothing but being in town. I guess we'll have to do that again this weekend, but I'm not sure what we'll be doing because Cody has guard so it will just be me and the kids.
Ok, I just looked up at my ceiling fan in my bedroom and I'll be cleaning that today.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sick kid
Oh, I hate having sick kids. I'm sure every mother feels the exact same way.
Preslie came into the bedroom last night at 10 pm and told me she needed to get sick. Which sometimes with Preslie you don't know if she just wants sympathy or if she's sick. So, here I am thinking it's really nothing. I hand her the trash can, ya know just in case I'm wrong. But, I didn't have a bag in the trash can and she proceeds to get sick. Yep, I need to go buy a new bathroom trash can because I so was not cleaning that. We got comfy (as comfy as one can get) on the couch. Poor thing was up every hour getting sick. I felt so bad for her. So, here I am at home playing on the computer with Preslie behind me laying on the couch watching a Land Before Time movie. She tells me she feels better but we'll see.
Preslie came into the bedroom last night at 10 pm and told me she needed to get sick. Which sometimes with Preslie you don't know if she just wants sympathy or if she's sick. So, here I am thinking it's really nothing. I hand her the trash can, ya know just in case I'm wrong. But, I didn't have a bag in the trash can and she proceeds to get sick. Yep, I need to go buy a new bathroom trash can because I so was not cleaning that. We got comfy (as comfy as one can get) on the couch. Poor thing was up every hour getting sick. I felt so bad for her. So, here I am at home playing on the computer with Preslie behind me laying on the couch watching a Land Before Time movie. She tells me she feels better but we'll see.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Why do men think
that the tv can hear them yelling at it?
Everytime there is a football, basketball or baseball game (heck any sports with Cody) Cody has this thing where he sits and yells at the tv. He'll talk to the ref or yell at him. Does he really think they can hear him? I know they can't but I sure can!!!! Sometimes the words that come out of his mouth are not very nice words. I guess I'm glad that most sports whatever they're called are on at night or if they come on during the weekend the kids are off playing.
Everytime there is a football, basketball or baseball game (heck any sports with Cody) Cody has this thing where he sits and yells at the tv. He'll talk to the ref or yell at him. Does he really think they can hear him? I know they can't but I sure can!!!! Sometimes the words that come out of his mouth are not very nice words. I guess I'm glad that most sports whatever they're called are on at night or if they come on during the weekend the kids are off playing.
Beautiful weekend
It is so hard to believe that Wednesday we were covered in ice and that Friday we had freezing fog (long drive to work that morning). And yesterday and today is was just beautiful. Cody got called in to work yesterday morning and had to work all day, so the kids and I ran around town hoping to catch him somewhere. We stopped off at Applebee's for lunch and I have to say that I got quite a few stares. I guess you're not supposed to go anywhere but fast food by yourself with 3 kids (who were so well behaved). After lunch we took a trip to the toy store and then it was off to the park. Since it was so busy there we only played on the equipment for a little bit. We did do a lot of exploring though. We tried to cross a flooding "river", we saw dinosaur footprints filled with water, we saw a "waterfall", threw rocks and sticks in the water and we played on the exercise stuff. Chase showed me how to do sit ups on one of them. We made a trip to the ice cream shop and then over to nana's house.
We made it to mass this morning and then to lunch. I needed to do some grocery shopping at Sam's and then we went home so the kids could play outside. The kids love being outside and it took me forever to get them in.
We made it to mass this morning and then to lunch. I needed to do some grocery shopping at Sam's and then we went home so the kids could play outside. The kids love being outside and it took me forever to get them in.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
No school and alphabet pancakes
We thought we might not have school today. Although it's right above freezing here, the rain just keeps coming and the temp is supposed to drop today. I guess they didn't want to chance having the kids come in, to just turn right back around again. And I think most of the Fort Smith area is without power, so not for sure if the church and school have it or not.
So the alarm went off this morning at 5:30 (we did loose power for about 4 hours in the middle of the night but I have a battery back up) and I slowly got out of bed. Turned on the computer and tv to find the school closings. I sure wasn't seeing anything and then wondered do I want to chance a 30 min drive into town to go to work/school? I was just about to jump in the shower to start the day when they announced the school closing....back to bed I went. Everyone woke up at 7 am hungry. Cody started to make pancakes and the kids announced they wanted alphabet pancakes. Which meant, only mommy knows how to do that. Everyone got their name (except mommy and daddy) and they gobbled them up with some turkey bacon and scrambled eggs. Yummy!!!!
We've played a little Rock Band today (in fact, Cody is still playing). The kids are in the bedroom playing and so not cleaning. I'm on the computer and thinking I really need to go shower. I also need to switch over some laundry.
Not for sure if we'll have school tomorrow or not. I really don't want to drive if there's any ice out there, so we'll see and hope that we can stay above freezing.
So the alarm went off this morning at 5:30 (we did loose power for about 4 hours in the middle of the night but I have a battery back up) and I slowly got out of bed. Turned on the computer and tv to find the school closings. I sure wasn't seeing anything and then wondered do I want to chance a 30 min drive into town to go to work/school? I was just about to jump in the shower to start the day when they announced the school closing....back to bed I went. Everyone woke up at 7 am hungry. Cody started to make pancakes and the kids announced they wanted alphabet pancakes. Which meant, only mommy knows how to do that. Everyone got their name (except mommy and daddy) and they gobbled them up with some turkey bacon and scrambled eggs. Yummy!!!!
We've played a little Rock Band today (in fact, Cody is still playing). The kids are in the bedroom playing and so not cleaning. I'm on the computer and thinking I really need to go shower. I also need to switch over some laundry.
Not for sure if we'll have school tomorrow or not. I really don't want to drive if there's any ice out there, so we'll see and hope that we can stay above freezing.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
100 years old!
We're on our way home tonight from the Mexican dinner at church/school, in the car and Rylie reads a billboard. I told her that it had been there since I was a little girl. She replied, "so, what it's like a 100 years old".
Friday, January 23, 2009
Jonesboro bound!!
Well, it's official now. We are headed to Jonesboro next year for Cody's CRNA school. Not for sure how I really feel about this. The school starts in January, which means the kids and I will still finish out the school year here. Then, we'll move but only if we can sell the house. Typing it all out right now is starting to stress me. I'm not for sure how we're going to be able to do all of this. I know that I just have to pray for the strength to get through this.
I've been reading up on the only Catholic school there and I'm not completely sold on it. They do have a homeschooling group and I guess I'm going to check them out. We've got to find a place to live, a church, and maybe a job (?).
Oh, how can I do this?
I've been reading up on the only Catholic school there and I'm not completely sold on it. They do have a homeschooling group and I guess I'm going to check them out. We've got to find a place to live, a church, and maybe a job (?).
Oh, how can I do this?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Being a parent......
means doing a lot of stuff that you'd rather not do but it has to be done to make sure your children aren't exposed to a lot of bad stuff.
Rylie has grown up into a young little lady right before our eyes. She loves Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverly and a few other "girl" movies. She's not really into the cartoons anymore. I do watch a few of the the episodes of anything because I want to make sure what she's watching. I listen to her music to make sure it's ok. This morning on the way to school, I plugged her mp3 player into the car so we all could listen. She knew what Miley songs she wanted and when the Barbie songs came on, she told me to skip over them and she really didn't want them on there anymore. It's been awhile since she's seen a Barbie movie. Now, Cody and I are going round and round about who gets to go see the new Hannah Montana movie coming out in April. I think I'm getting the short end of the straw for this one.
I remember when Billy Ray Cyrus first came out, I was around 16 or 17. I remember taking my little brother and my high school boyfriends little sister to see him in concert. And now, my daughter is listening to his daughter's music. Heck, Miley was probably just a little baby when it came out. Wow, that makes me feel old!!!!!
Rylie has grown up into a young little lady right before our eyes. She loves Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverly and a few other "girl" movies. She's not really into the cartoons anymore. I do watch a few of the the episodes of anything because I want to make sure what she's watching. I listen to her music to make sure it's ok. This morning on the way to school, I plugged her mp3 player into the car so we all could listen. She knew what Miley songs she wanted and when the Barbie songs came on, she told me to skip over them and she really didn't want them on there anymore. It's been awhile since she's seen a Barbie movie. Now, Cody and I are going round and round about who gets to go see the new Hannah Montana movie coming out in April. I think I'm getting the short end of the straw for this one.
I remember when Billy Ray Cyrus first came out, I was around 16 or 17. I remember taking my little brother and my high school boyfriends little sister to see him in concert. And now, my daughter is listening to his daughter's music. Heck, Miley was probably just a little baby when it came out. Wow, that makes me feel old!!!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
History being made
I watched today as history was made. I have to admit, I was very excited! I loved the fact that Rylie got to see history being made. I love the fact that years from now she'll be able to say "oh, I was in school watching it on the big screen with my class".
I admit, I did cry today. But, I cry at the end of a football game (because the losing team looks sad). I'm looking forward to what the next 4 years hold.
I admit, I did cry today. But, I cry at the end of a football game (because the losing team looks sad). I'm looking forward to what the next 4 years hold.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Kid funny
We're in the car on the way home from getting our new fish and this is the conversation I hear come out of the back of the van.
Preslie: when I grow up I want to work as an animal doctor and in the zoo and on a farm
Rylie: boy Preslie, that's a lot of jobs. And you want to get married and have babies too?
Preslie: Yes
Rylie: well, I'm going to have 4 babies. I'm going to have a girl and name her Marley and a boy and name him (sorry I can't remember the name).
Preslie: I'm going to have 3 babies (as she's counting on her fingers).
Chase: I'm going to have 100 babies but I'll only carry one at a time.
Rylie: Ya, you'll need to find a woman for that
I thought I was going to loose it I was laughing so hard.
Preslie: when I grow up I want to work as an animal doctor and in the zoo and on a farm
Rylie: boy Preslie, that's a lot of jobs. And you want to get married and have babies too?
Preslie: Yes
Rylie: well, I'm going to have 4 babies. I'm going to have a girl and name her Marley and a boy and name him (sorry I can't remember the name).
Preslie: I'm going to have 3 babies (as she's counting on her fingers).
Chase: I'm going to have 100 babies but I'll only carry one at a time.
Rylie: Ya, you'll need to find a woman for that
I thought I was going to loose it I was laughing so hard.
New member of the family
Chase has been wanting a pet for awhile now. He says Rylie has Toby and Preslie has Tommy. "I don't have anybody mommy". Well, that melts my heart each and every time. Only problem? Chase is not a pet loving kid. He's happy with telling Toby and Tommy hi and then just barely touching them. He doesn't like to cuddle or love on any animals. He needed something a little low maintenance and mommy needed low maintenance. Since we all know that I'm the one that takes care of everyone in the family. Chase wanted a turtle. I thought about it, I really did but just didn't think I could go with a turtle. Then, it hit me. A FISH!!!!
Yes, a fish is a perfect pet for Chase Dagon. Cody wasn't too big on the idea and if I left it up to him, then we'd never get one. So I made the decision that he was getting one this weekend. I got the old fish tank out of the attic and cleaned it up. We made a trip to Wal-mart to pick out his fish, gravel (blue/green) and other "toys". He picked out a Betta fish and named him Mikeyangelo (what he calls Michelangelo from Ninja Turtles).
Mikeyangelo has adjusted very well to his new home. He is swimming all over the tank. Chase and Preslie are in heaven. They've been sitting by the tank all evening just talking to him and showing him all kinds of things.
So, we know have a dog, cat and a fish.
Yes, a fish is a perfect pet for Chase Dagon. Cody wasn't too big on the idea and if I left it up to him, then we'd never get one. So I made the decision that he was getting one this weekend. I got the old fish tank out of the attic and cleaned it up. We made a trip to Wal-mart to pick out his fish, gravel (blue/green) and other "toys". He picked out a Betta fish and named him Mikeyangelo (what he calls Michelangelo from Ninja Turtles).
Mikeyangelo has adjusted very well to his new home. He is swimming all over the tank. Chase and Preslie are in heaven. They've been sitting by the tank all evening just talking to him and showing him all kinds of things.
So, we know have a dog, cat and a fish.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Lions, Tigers and Bears......Oh My!!!
Not for sure why, but that was in my head at the time I was sitting down to type this. So, I thought "Why not".
We've had a pretty lazy day (for us anyway). We got up and out the house a little early today. We stopped at McDonald's for breakfast and let the kids play for awhile. Today was Cody's god-daughter's b-day party so we were off to find her presents. She loves Mickey Mouse. We got her a little stuffed Mickey (I think he was supposed to be a pillow) that wraps around a blanket and then we got her a Mickey plate, bowl and cup. Oh and lets not forget the Mickey balloon. I think she liked them. She is just the cutest thing. So sweet and tiny (2 years old). She has a little brother who will be making his appearance in March.
After that, I ran to Sam's to get some groceries. I picked up some tortilla chips and some yummy salsa. We're back home now eating chips and salsa and watching movies while the kids play in their rooms. A nice relaxing day.
I think we'll head into town for church tomorrow and then the kids and I are out of school/off work on Monday. I'm so excited. It's sad that I really wanted another break. I love working with the kids but I've realized I love the vacations as well. Reminds me of the days I was a sahm. Life is so busy that I miss those sometimes. Of course, it's not like I'm not there for the kids because I work the same hours they are in school.
It dawned on me today that Lent is approaching and I'm going to be need to give something up. I think I'm going to give up my usual sweets/chocolate thing because it's so hard for me to make it those 40 days. So I know I'm doing the right thing. One would think that after a few years of giving the same thing up that I'd get used to it, but I'm not. I also need to get a menu together for Friday dinners. I really want to find some new veggie dishes.
We've had a pretty lazy day (for us anyway). We got up and out the house a little early today. We stopped at McDonald's for breakfast and let the kids play for awhile. Today was Cody's god-daughter's b-day party so we were off to find her presents. She loves Mickey Mouse. We got her a little stuffed Mickey (I think he was supposed to be a pillow) that wraps around a blanket and then we got her a Mickey plate, bowl and cup. Oh and lets not forget the Mickey balloon. I think she liked them. She is just the cutest thing. So sweet and tiny (2 years old). She has a little brother who will be making his appearance in March.
After that, I ran to Sam's to get some groceries. I picked up some tortilla chips and some yummy salsa. We're back home now eating chips and salsa and watching movies while the kids play in their rooms. A nice relaxing day.
I think we'll head into town for church tomorrow and then the kids and I are out of school/off work on Monday. I'm so excited. It's sad that I really wanted another break. I love working with the kids but I've realized I love the vacations as well. Reminds me of the days I was a sahm. Life is so busy that I miss those sometimes. Of course, it's not like I'm not there for the kids because I work the same hours they are in school.
It dawned on me today that Lent is approaching and I'm going to be need to give something up. I think I'm going to give up my usual sweets/chocolate thing because it's so hard for me to make it those 40 days. So I know I'm doing the right thing. One would think that after a few years of giving the same thing up that I'd get used to it, but I'm not. I also need to get a menu together for Friday dinners. I really want to find some new veggie dishes.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Got the go ahead
I ran the vacation idea by Cody last night and he was all for it. Although, he was wanting Sea World as well. He made the comment that Branson was a much closer drive. Guess great minds think alike. Now, I did pick a package last night but I am going to see if I can find other packages and we'll go from there. I love to find the best deal I can.
I do love the hotel I picked out, but I was wanting something with a kitchen just because I really didn't want them to eat out everyday, all day. I can get a fridge in the room but that limits food. But, there is a waterpark at the hotel and the kids would love that. Guess I need to do a lot more research. It would be ideal to rent a cabin on Table Rock and then drive into Silver Dollar City.
I do love the hotel I picked out, but I was wanting something with a kitchen just because I really didn't want them to eat out everyday, all day. I can get a fridge in the room but that limits food. But, there is a waterpark at the hotel and the kids would love that. Guess I need to do a lot more research. It would be ideal to rent a cabin on Table Rock and then drive into Silver Dollar City.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Planning a vacation
I have decided that this year we are taking a real family vacation. Before we've taken an overnight trip to Tulsa. We go to the zoo and do a little shopping but this year I want more.
My original thought was Sea World in San Antonio. I know the kids would love this trip and I admit I just love Sea World. This sounds like a great trip, only one problem the drive there. I've been researching other vacation spots around us all day and I think Branson would be a great vacation for us. We can spend 4 days and 3 nights. We'd so Silver Dollar City for 2 days and then maybe some shopping on the 3rd day. The hotel I've picked out has an indoor/outdoor waterpark that would be free to hotel guests. We could do that our very first day there. Now, I just need to run the plans by Cody and then make the reservations. I'm really quite excited and I'm sure the kids will be as well. If this plan works out, then I really need to get my body in shape by then.
My original thought was Sea World in San Antonio. I know the kids would love this trip and I admit I just love Sea World. This sounds like a great trip, only one problem the drive there. I've been researching other vacation spots around us all day and I think Branson would be a great vacation for us. We can spend 4 days and 3 nights. We'd so Silver Dollar City for 2 days and then maybe some shopping on the 3rd day. The hotel I've picked out has an indoor/outdoor waterpark that would be free to hotel guests. We could do that our very first day there. Now, I just need to run the plans by Cody and then make the reservations. I'm really quite excited and I'm sure the kids will be as well. If this plan works out, then I really need to get my body in shape by then.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The words just won't form
I had it all "written" in my head yesterday and I couldn't jump on the computer last night, so it all went away. I know what I want to write, I just can't get it to form. So, I'm sitting here trying to think of something to write about since I haven't blogged in a few days.
This first week back after Christmas break has been a busy one in the kindergarten world. Report cards go home tomorrow, we've started a new nine weeks. My kids are making the adjustment. Rylie is good as always but Chase and Preslie are having a rough start. I think they've only had one day where they both were on green.
Gymnastics have started back this week as well. Rylie has been practicing a lot the past two weeks and her coach says it shows.
This first week back after Christmas break has been a busy one in the kindergarten world. Report cards go home tomorrow, we've started a new nine weeks. My kids are making the adjustment. Rylie is good as always but Chase and Preslie are having a rough start. I think they've only had one day where they both were on green.
Gymnastics have started back this week as well. Rylie has been practicing a lot the past two weeks and her coach says it shows.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
My children have a great imagination. I'm sitting here in the living room, Cody playing a video game, listening to the kids play. They've taken all their covers, blankets and pillows and piled them in the living room against the bar. First it was a pile of leaves with ants crawling around and a golden leaf, then it was a mountain for them to stand on, now they've gone into a secret passage way with Wall-E in it.
On the rare chance that I let them take off the couch cushions, those soon become trains, horses and cars.
Now, Preslie is a puppy dog with Rylie trying to ride her back. Chase is bouncing off the wall and laying on top of the girls. Oh wait, the puppy is gone and now it's an airplane ride. Those kids jump from one thing to another so fast.
I could never imagine having just one child. Oh how boring that would be. I love to see the interaction between the kids. Of course yesterday was a day of fights. Chase and Preslie were fighting in the grocery store yesterday (we're talking hitting and yelling) and then it was Rylie and Preslie's turn. See a pattern here? But, I know they wouldn't trade any of it for anything in the world. It's the little moments that make me realize Cody and I are doing something right. Like this morning, we took them all out to breakfast at IHOP. Preslie is on one side of me and Chase on the other. One minute she is pestering the heck out of him and the next thing I know she wants kisses and he actually gave a kiss up. So sweet.
On the rare chance that I let them take off the couch cushions, those soon become trains, horses and cars.
Now, Preslie is a puppy dog with Rylie trying to ride her back. Chase is bouncing off the wall and laying on top of the girls. Oh wait, the puppy is gone and now it's an airplane ride. Those kids jump from one thing to another so fast.
I could never imagine having just one child. Oh how boring that would be. I love to see the interaction between the kids. Of course yesterday was a day of fights. Chase and Preslie were fighting in the grocery store yesterday (we're talking hitting and yelling) and then it was Rylie and Preslie's turn. See a pattern here? But, I know they wouldn't trade any of it for anything in the world. It's the little moments that make me realize Cody and I are doing something right. Like this morning, we took them all out to breakfast at IHOP. Preslie is on one side of me and Chase on the other. One minute she is pestering the heck out of him and the next thing I know she wants kisses and he actually gave a kiss up. So sweet.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
So, I'm sitting here
on the computer trying to figure out if I want to do another blog tonight. I've been really thinking about this one since yesterday afternoon. See, I did my blog yesterday and then I jumped in the shower. While I was "unavailable", my mom called and left me a teary voicemail. She was telling me what a wonderful, wise woman I was. How I was a great mother and how special I was.
Like I said, I've been thinking about this alot. I think there are things in my life (good and bad) that have made me the person I am today. These things have impacted decisions I've made. I don't look at my myself the same way my mom looks at me. I don't think I'm a bad person. In fact, for the most part I'm happy with myself as a whole. I guess what I'm saying is I'm not without flaws, of course none of us are. I see my flaws and here lately, way before yesterday, I've been thinking about them. One thing I mentioned to Cody is that I want to be a better person, better wife and better mother in 2009.
I think I'm selfish. Not where my husband or kids are concerned, because I always will make sure they have before I do. But, with other people or things. I don't put as much as I should in the collection tray at church. I guess you could say I feel I'm selfish with money. I love to have that extra little bit in the bank for the emergencies but I also know that God will provide for us. I sometimes have to remind myself of that. I do hide the chocolate from the kids, but I think that's a mommy thing. I look at it that I'm protecting their teeth and their bodies from all that yucky sugar. I think I'm selfish with my time. I love my time with my family and I don't like too many things to interrupt that.
I think I need to spend more time with my kids. I just rely in the fact that there are three of them and they love to play together. When they go into the backyard to play, I usually open up the window and doors and stay in the kitchen and clean. I need to put the cleaning away and go outside with them. They will only be this age once and I'll never get this time back. I want to do silly stuff, fun stuff with them. I think I've gotten away from doing that. I vow right now that I need to change that. I have great kids. Most of the time they love me (when they aren't in time out) and they tell me I'm a good mommy (except the times Preslie tells Cody that they need to look for a new mommy).
As for the better wife part, I need to find the time to actually go out on a date with my husband. It's been well over a year since we've done that. And even though we both feel we don't need that date, it sure would be nice to have that every so often. I need to remember sometimes that Cody works very hard for this family. He works hard so we can have what we have and if he wants a few extra mins on the computer then I need to realize he earned that. Of course, that takes me back to being selfish. If I can con him into somehow giving the kids the shower then I'll do it. I have a wonderful husband. The kind every woman dreams of having (just wish I could get him to take out the trash). I need to tell him more often that I'm proud of him. I can' imagine how hard it is to work to support your family and go to school at the same time.
So see, I do have my flaws. Although I don't think this is what my mom was talking about. She always tells me that she wasn't a good mother but if that was the case, then I wouldn't be who I am today. I'm not saying she doesn't have her flaws but she's a pretty great mom. I guess nobody is perfect.
Like I said, I've been thinking about this alot. I think there are things in my life (good and bad) that have made me the person I am today. These things have impacted decisions I've made. I don't look at my myself the same way my mom looks at me. I don't think I'm a bad person. In fact, for the most part I'm happy with myself as a whole. I guess what I'm saying is I'm not without flaws, of course none of us are. I see my flaws and here lately, way before yesterday, I've been thinking about them. One thing I mentioned to Cody is that I want to be a better person, better wife and better mother in 2009.
I think I'm selfish. Not where my husband or kids are concerned, because I always will make sure they have before I do. But, with other people or things. I don't put as much as I should in the collection tray at church. I guess you could say I feel I'm selfish with money. I love to have that extra little bit in the bank for the emergencies but I also know that God will provide for us. I sometimes have to remind myself of that. I do hide the chocolate from the kids, but I think that's a mommy thing. I look at it that I'm protecting their teeth and their bodies from all that yucky sugar. I think I'm selfish with my time. I love my time with my family and I don't like too many things to interrupt that.
I think I need to spend more time with my kids. I just rely in the fact that there are three of them and they love to play together. When they go into the backyard to play, I usually open up the window and doors and stay in the kitchen and clean. I need to put the cleaning away and go outside with them. They will only be this age once and I'll never get this time back. I want to do silly stuff, fun stuff with them. I think I've gotten away from doing that. I vow right now that I need to change that. I have great kids. Most of the time they love me (when they aren't in time out) and they tell me I'm a good mommy (except the times Preslie tells Cody that they need to look for a new mommy).
As for the better wife part, I need to find the time to actually go out on a date with my husband. It's been well over a year since we've done that. And even though we both feel we don't need that date, it sure would be nice to have that every so often. I need to remember sometimes that Cody works very hard for this family. He works hard so we can have what we have and if he wants a few extra mins on the computer then I need to realize he earned that. Of course, that takes me back to being selfish. If I can con him into somehow giving the kids the shower then I'll do it. I have a wonderful husband. The kind every woman dreams of having (just wish I could get him to take out the trash). I need to tell him more often that I'm proud of him. I can' imagine how hard it is to work to support your family and go to school at the same time.
So see, I do have my flaws. Although I don't think this is what my mom was talking about. She always tells me that she wasn't a good mother but if that was the case, then I wouldn't be who I am today. I'm not saying she doesn't have her flaws but she's a pretty great mom. I guess nobody is perfect.
My first child
I made a trip to Wal-mart this afternoon and as I'm walking across the parking lot I see a man pushing his two kids in the cart. He was standing on the bar on the bottom and pushing them really fast, and of course they are laughing. Then I heard it! Someone said to the mom, "looks like he's the bigger child here".
Of course I'm laughing at that, because it's the truth. Yes, I'm a mom to 3 children but I really have 4. Cody is just as big of a kid as the kids are. I think that's what makes him more fun. He loves to play his video games, play tackle with the kids, run all over the yard and climb on all the playground equipment. Heck, he's the one at the kids birthday parties that's putting on skates and skating with the kids.
I couldn't have asked for a better dad for my children.
Of course I'm laughing at that, because it's the truth. Yes, I'm a mom to 3 children but I really have 4. Cody is just as big of a kid as the kids are. I think that's what makes him more fun. He loves to play his video games, play tackle with the kids, run all over the yard and climb on all the playground equipment. Heck, he's the one at the kids birthday parties that's putting on skates and skating with the kids.
I couldn't have asked for a better dad for my children.
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