Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More sick kids

and another day off work. Yuck!!!!!

I think Chase and Rylie are doing a little bit better. I think the bulk of it hit last night. We're just taking a feel better day because I don't want them to get their classmates sick. I do have to cancel gymnastics for this afternoon and then move everyone to tomorrow night. I hope there is a space open.

I guess I'll be doing some laundry and picking up the house a little bit today. Not for sure what else I'll be doing. Cody's brought the kids home 7-up last night and I'll take the movies back when he gets home tonight.

I can't stand being in the house all the time. I'm the type that needs to get out. Heck, being in the house for 2 days last week drove me nuts. So we spent all day Saturday doing nothing but being in town. I guess we'll have to do that again this weekend, but I'm not sure what we'll be doing because Cody has guard so it will just be me and the kids.

Ok, I just looked up at my ceiling fan in my bedroom and I'll be cleaning that today.

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