Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lions, Tigers and Bears......Oh My!!!

Not for sure why, but that was in my head at the time I was sitting down to type this. So, I thought "Why not".

We've had a pretty lazy day (for us anyway). We got up and out the house a little early today. We stopped at McDonald's for breakfast and let the kids play for awhile. Today was Cody's god-daughter's b-day party so we were off to find her presents. She loves Mickey Mouse. We got her a little stuffed Mickey (I think he was supposed to be a pillow) that wraps around a blanket and then we got her a Mickey plate, bowl and cup. Oh and lets not forget the Mickey balloon. I think she liked them. She is just the cutest thing. So sweet and tiny (2 years old). She has a little brother who will be making his appearance in March.

After that, I ran to Sam's to get some groceries. I picked up some tortilla chips and some yummy salsa. We're back home now eating chips and salsa and watching movies while the kids play in their rooms. A nice relaxing day.

I think we'll head into town for church tomorrow and then the kids and I are out of school/off work on Monday. I'm so excited. It's sad that I really wanted another break. I love working with the kids but I've realized I love the vacations as well. Reminds me of the days I was a sahm. Life is so busy that I miss those sometimes. Of course, it's not like I'm not there for the kids because I work the same hours they are in school.

It dawned on me today that Lent is approaching and I'm going to be need to give something up. I think I'm going to give up my usual sweets/chocolate thing because it's so hard for me to make it those 40 days. So I know I'm doing the right thing. One would think that after a few years of giving the same thing up that I'd get used to it, but I'm not. I also need to get a menu together for Friday dinners. I really want to find some new veggie dishes.

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