Friday, February 27, 2009

It's little things that excite me.....

I just ordered 4 Nora Roberts books from Amazon and I can't wait until they come in. They are all used, but from her very early collections in the very early 80's. Anyway, I'm so excited and I can't wait to read them. I told Cody that I should have them read within a week. So during that time we all know I won't be near the computer. Once I start a book, I can't stop.

I'm also excited because I checked out Nora's website and 4 of her books are being turned into movies. They will start on Lifetime in a couple of weeks. She's also got 3 new books coming out this year. I have to wait until April for one and Dec for the 2nd one in that series. And then the one that sounds so good doesn't come out until July.

It's pretty bad that books get me so excited.

1 comment:

Susanne said...

not a bad thing at all. I love books. I get ridiculously excited about them :)