Wednesday, April 20, 2011


storms and more storms.  Yep, it's springtime in Arkansas.  The weather can be just a tad bit crazy and I don't mind it.  UNLESS I have to get out in it, then I don't like it at all.  In fact, I slept through the big storm we had last week.  The storm last night was another story.  I was driving right into it.  We were on our way home from gymnastics and I had all 3 kids with me.  Anyway, I kept calling Cody and telling him the sky looked funny, what was the weather like at the house.  He kept saying everything looked fine, nothing here.  Well, I entertained the kids with the pretty "light" show we saw.  I think I was fine until my brother called to check on us and informed me that he heard on the radio 3 hours away that their was rotation spotted around our town.  GREAT!!!  So, I call back to Cody because I have just hit interstate (which is 10-15 mins from the house) and it's raining so hard that I can't see in front of me.  We had a touch of hail and it got kind of scary there.  Luckily, the good Lord was with us and got us safely home.  Where I might add was not really doing anything, except drizzling.

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