Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas vacation


I am so excited to have the next 2 weeks off. The past week has been hectic and wild. The girls had gymnastics on Monday, on top of our rain/sleet mix that was coming down. I think it rained and we had a little sleet on Tuesday. That was a very long day. We had a PTO meeting at school and Rylie was getting her WWJD award for the first quarter. Of course, the OR was busy. Which meant Cody couldn't get off work until late. He actually showed up a few mins before Rylie got her award. But, I had to work (help the kindergarten get settled) the first part of the program and then sit through the Christmas program....all with 2 four year olds who were tired and ready to go. I don't think we made it home until close to 9 that night.

Wednesday was another busy day and of course, Chase and Rylie had gymnastics. The weather had cleared up, but it was still very cold. Thursday was just a bad day from the start. Cody had his interview in Little Rock with Wesleyan. He forgot to take the trash out, which meant I got to do that along with get myself and 3 kids ready for school. He took my van and I had his Jeep. Oh, that ride was horrible. The kids were right beside each other. And that means, they yell, scream and hit each other. Yes, not a fun 30 min trip to school. After school I had to run to the store and pick up books for the twins pre-k Christmas party from the PTO. Rylie had gymnastics, again (her make-up class for next week). I had to deal with the twins together during this time and try to keep them occupied because Cody still wasn't back yet. The kindergartners were just wound up yesterday and my nerves had just been completely shot by the time I got home (remember car ride). I also had to bake 3 dozen cookies for the school Christmas lunch. Mental note, next cookies!!!!!

I did take some of my frustration out on my husband. I know it wasn't his fault but I was tired and I didn't want to deal with the kids by myself anymore. Heck, I went to the bathroom for the first time yesterday at 6 pm last night. That's how busy I was. Cody put all his receipts on the computer, which upset me. He got to have a nice sit down lunch at a nice restaurant with quiet. Ya, that didn't settle well. But, he left his Christmas bonus (a wal-mart gift card) and $10 cash on the computer. He was giving them to me so I wouldn't be mad at him anymore. Isn't that sweet? I thought so, but I couldn't take it because I'd feel guilty. It made me feel better for him to take it back because I've got a check from my grandma for Christmas and I plan on using that to buy a new pair of shoes. New shoes make me happy. I love shoes. f

Today has been long overdue. I'm ready to relax and not do to much. I'm ready to get my house back in order and organize a few things. I'm ready for Christmas. Of course, I'm sure the kids will be driving me crazy before long. I think I'll see if Cody wants to go drive around tonight and look at Christmas lights. I know the kids would love that.

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