Thursday, November 6, 2008

What a day!!!!!!!

It started first thing this morning! Chase threw one of his fits because he didn't get to help stir the eggs. So, he spent 30 mins in his room trying to calm down. Preslie was upset because she didn't get the monkey she wanted. Rylie cried because we didn't have a dessert she wanted to put into her lunch, so she wanted to eat lunch at school (which she normally does but I know she won't eat the baked potato). This was all before 7 am today. Then, we get to school and Rylie's tears start again. She "accidentally left her backpack at home". My response, "sorry, take your punishment and remember tomorrow". Of course, she didn't get in trouble.

Once at school, I had to test Bible verses and sight words. Pull last weeks homework out of the folder and add this week's homework. I made copies, got dictation sentence stuff together, and put the to be graded papers together. I thought I might get a break at lunch, but nope it was not going to happen. I felt like the mom on "A Christmas Story". Everytime I sat down to take a bite, there was something else happening. I think I had 3 dropped forks. Then there was please open this, can I eat my pudding now and so forth and so forth. I went in and got nap mats together and then off to the playground I went. Recess wasn't that bad. Nap time was not rest time for me. I ran here and did this and ran there and did that. Finished getting labels together for homework folders, put together the book orders and Schwann's order forms and watched the 1st grade for a little bit.

All and all, not that bad just busy. I came home from work and just jumped into a very hot shower and relaxed. Cody did dinner while I loaded the dishwasher, started a load of laundry, got the kids dinner together and their bathwater started. I got him to also switch over laundry while I washed kids and I helped Rylie with her homework while I eat dinner. Now, it's bedtime for the kids and I'm relaxing.

I so need to finish up Preslie's birthday letter. I write the kids a letter each year on their birthday and then I'll give them to them when they turn 18. I started it on Rylie's first birthday and I've continued the tradition. It takes time, but I love thinking of them reading them when they are older. I need to fold laundry but I don't think that will happen tonight. I also need to get my list together for what I need to make the kids birthday cake with tomorrow night, we have the party on Saturday.

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