Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas shopping, Madagascar, Church, a Gingerbread house and bad kitty.

What a fun weekend!!!!!

The kids each asked Santa for just one thing for Christmas. Rylie wants the Hannah Montana guitar (acoustic), Preslie wants a stuffed monkey and Chase wants Thomas the Train. Not sure of his thinking there because he doesn't like Thomas. Anyway, Cody says that the kids should get the one thing they ask Santa for because he wants them to believe for as long as possible. Well, the guitar is $87 at Wal-mart which is the cheapest in town and I really didn't want to spend the money. Cody called me Friday afternoon and said I could get it at Kohl's on Saturday for $69 early bird. Up I get at 6:45 am on Saturday morning get to Kohl's at 7:30am. They have one guitar left. So I grab it up. After Kohl's, I head over to Academy to pick up skates, monkey, backpacks and lunch boxes. I go to Home Depot, K-mart to pick up the pictures from Olan Mills, the dollar store, Michaels, call mom in this time and then head to Wal-mart with her. We do some shopping there and then I head home.

We unload the car into the attic and load the kids in the car for a surprise trip to the movies to see Madagascar 2. What a time there. We, meaning Cody, told the lady 2 adult tickets and 3 kids. Turn to walk away and realize she only gave us two adults tickets (and only charged us two adults). Cody tells her that we need the three kids too (I mean I'm standing there with the kids where did she think they were going?). She only gives him two and we realize this once we get inside. I take the kids to the bathroom while Cody gets the extra ticket. We got the 3rd kid ticket comp'ed because of all the problems. The movie was great. The kids loved it and I really liked it. Guess I really should watch the first one.

We wanted to make early service this morning, ya so didn't happen. We do get there for the 10:30 Mass and Cody had us sit right in front of the side door, so we froze until it started. All and all it really wasn't that bad. I made one bathroom trip in the beginning. The kids were good. Of course, I bribed with a sucker (and Rylie is always good in church). After church everyone was starving so we hit up Applebee's. The kids ate great so we got dessert. Oh that was funny. They set the plate down with the chocolate cake and ice cream. I think Cody and I got two bites apiece. The kids were like vultures. It was so funny. Preslie was scooping as she's got food in her mouth, Rylie was shoveling it in and that was the fastest I've ever seen Chase eat ice cream.

We headed home and started work on the gingerbread house (Christmas tradition). I let the kids do most of the work this year so the house looks beautiful. I've got pictures. I'll start a new post later to put them all on it.

Went to plug in the Christmas lights to find out the cat had chewed threw a wire. Oh yes, not very happy. Cody spliced up the wire and reconnected it until I can find out where I can order new lights. This is a pre-lit.

See, we had a great couple of days!!!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008


We had a great day!!! Of course, dinner started a little later then Cody wanted it too. We are so used to eating Thanksgiving dinner at 1pm but plans changed this year and it was scheduled for 3pm. Thanksgiving is Cody's favorite holiday, so 1pm is perfect for him. He has enough time to eat at mom's and get his stomach back in place to eat at his mom's house.

The kids had a great time. Of course, Chase put a big goose egg on his head. My poor accident prone son. He was playing catch in the yard with dad and wasn't watching where he was going and ran head first into the bird bath. It really looks a lot worse then it is (or that's what Cody told me). Still didn't stop me from freaking out a little when I saw it. Preslie ran around and played with the dog. Rylie waited so patiently for the ham. She just loves Turkey day.

Today the kids and I will be putting up the tree and making the Christmas ornaments. I usually have this tree that looks like no kids live here and I've decided to try something new this year and hopefully for the many years to come. The kids and I are going to make homemade Christmas ornaments to put on it and they'll paint them how they want them to look. Cody has to work today, so I'll sweet talk him into putting up the outside lights tomorrow. We have a ton of outside lights and I want to use them. I can't wait to take pictures of the tree and post them up. Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love the smells, the lights and just the overall feel of it.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Window!

Ok, this one cracks me up.

One day we picked Chase up from school, must have been about a month ago, and he told us that the window hit him. Ok, I'm thinking maybe he was making up a story or something. Then the next day he has another story about the window and he proceeded to tell me that the window was on red. Now in our school, we go by a color chart with behaviour. Green=good, yellow=rough day but not bad, can move back down to green and red=very bad, sometimes getting sent to the office depending on the problem. Anyway, I remember looking at the chart that day and seeing a little boy in the class on red. Only boy in the class, Fernando. So I ask Chase to say Fernando...."the window, mommy". Yes, this solves the problem.

The teacher gets a kick out of it. What is even funnier, Chase who has no speech problems calls him "the window" and Preslie who has major speech problems actually says "fernando". So, we tried to break it down for Chase. Fer-nan-do! In the car the other day he proceeds to tell me a story about "Fer-window". I about lost it.


We're driving to school the other morning and Rylie asks me a question. "Mom, why did God make your children so beautiful?" Oh yes she did. I told her that God made all children beautiful, to which she had no reply. I think we've finally got her trained to say "Thank You" when someone tells her she's beautiful instead of "I know". Preslie has started it now as well. She knows she beautiful and she'll tell you. Chase just walks around and says "I handsome just like my daddy". Do you think my kids are a little vain?

We picked up the kids joint Christmas present today........Rock Band for the PS3. Cody is so excited, he wants to open it now and break it in before the kids get a hold of it just to make sure it works. Ya right!!!! I'm not buying that one. Now, I have to find out where to hide it.

We made a trip to see Santa at the mall today. It was quite funny. Preslie wants a monkey, Rylie wants a Hannah Montana guitar (wonder if the rock band will work) and Chase wants a Thomas train. Not for sure where that one came from because he can't stand Thomas the train. Maybe it was a "A Christmas Story" moment......a uh, football!! I'll try to scan the picture later. Rylie did say when we were heading over to Santa that it wasn't Santa, it was an elf. She said Santa was at the North Pole working right now. I can't remember if I told her that before or if she's just starting to get to that age.

I picked up the kids wrapping paper for Christmas this year. Rylie went with, drum roll.....Hannah Montana. I got Chase, spiderman and Preslie got Little Pet Shop. Now, all their presents under the tree from mom and dad will be wrapped in this paper. Santa doesn't wrap his presents and he only fills stockings, leaves one big group present (rock band) and then one present for each child.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tattle Tell

I so felt like the class tattle teller these past couple of days. But, when it comes to my children and the kids I'm entrusted to help each day I will do everything to make sure everything is great for them.

The sub for the K class was a very sweet lady but she was so not cut out for kindergarten. I think she expected a little too much from a group of 5 year olds. She had a problem realizing that things needed to be explained to them, they need to know what the numbers are past 10. They don't move as fast as a bunch of high school kids (the sub was a high school teacher in Cali before moving here) and you actually have to wait for them and not just walk off and leave them. I also felt she had already labeled a couple of kids as "bad seeds". In fact, she actually told me that she can already tell what one of them is going to be like when they are older. That was just a wrong comment to make. First of all, she only knew the child for half a day. Every child is so different and not every child grows up to be like they are right now. You have to make allowances for children. Their home life may not be the same as someone elses, they may have a learning problem. It just really rubbed me the wrong way.

The 1st grade sub was HORRIBLE!!!!!!!! I heard stories going in but it got even worse at dismissal yesterday. I waited outside for Rylie in "the spot" and after a few mins she still wasn't out. I knew things would go differently because of the sub but I didn't know how different. I think about 4 or 5 kids (including Rylie) showed up but no teacher in sight. I finally saw her way up at the building talking to people. I took Rylie's hand and let her know that I was taking Rylie and she just brushed me off. When we got home, Cody and I were talking about it and Rylie told me that the teacher told them to "just walk ahead and keep walking". Ya, who tells that to a bunch of 6 and 7 year olds? Anything could have happened yesterday and we were just so blessed that nothing did. This afternoon, the principal walked them out. I was very happy about that.

Monday, November 17, 2008


My brain is full of so many things right now. I'm probably going to be doing a lot of rambling. That's ok, because it will make sense to me.

It didn't really feel like a Monday at work today. The kids were really good. Although, I do have to say I am so tired of the tattle telling. I just started throwing up my hand and telling them that I don't want to listen to it and to work it out. Seems to work, but you should see the look they give me.

This is really going to be a busy week. The kids have their dr check-up tomorrow afternoon. Wednesday, we meet with Preslie's speech therapist and get all the paperwork started...then it's off to gymnastics. Thursday and Friday the class teacher is gone and I'll have to deal with a sub. I saw her in action last week and was not impressed. She was subbing for 1st grade and she left half the class downstairs and didn't realize it until she was in the classroom. So now, I'll be working double hard those two days. I do love it though. Those kids are wonderful.

Cody and I started talking about getting the kids a Wii for Christmas. We went and looked at them with the kids tonight and they just didn't show any interest in them. Then we thought, hey they might like the RockBand for Cody's PS3. They loved playing with the drums. Of course, now I'm thinking maybe about getting Rylie a DS and the twins something fun. Cody is a little bummed because he was really wanting the Rock Band.

I'll have to take the van in before too long for it's oil change. I think my oil life is at 50% and I need to take it in at 15%, so just a few more weeks probably. This will be my pricey oil change because they are going to look at everything. After the holiday's I need to get my window fixed. We were driving to Amos' wedding and a rock hit it. It's just a little tiny ding but it's a ding on my new window. I do love my Honda, though. We still need to buff the spot from the guy who clipped me. I guess it could have been much worse.

I need to get some supplies for baking for Thanksgiving and I found a recipe for homemade Christmas ornaments in my box. I figured that would be fun for the kids and myself. We'll make them this weekend, paint maybe next Wednesday and put up decorations next Friday. WOW, can't believe Christmas is almost here.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Is it ok to lie to a kindergartener?

This is the question I presented to my principal today. I have so many kids in class who have the "hypochondriac". The slightest fall or bump seems to warrant an ice pack. On little girl told me this morning she needed one because she hurt her finger. When I went back a little bit later to look at it, she couldn't remember which hand it was. Then, this same girl "hurt" herself on the playground. I went to the office and asked the principal the above question. Her reply to me was that sometimes it's in the best interest to lie to the child, in cases like this. We agreed that as mother's we sometimes to the kids as well but it's for our own sanity that we have to do that. "No honey, the store isn't open today", "no, it's broken right now". Now I don't feel so bad for my little "lies" to my children because I do it for my sanity.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day!

For the past 5 years, I have always called Cody to tell him "Happy Veteran's Day". Not sure why I always say this but I do want to recongize him. Our second graders at school put on a little assembly program today for the vets. Our Deacon spoke and then the second graders sang a few songs and said a few words about someone they knew who serves in our military. At the end of their little speeches, they all said "thank you". I'm sitting over there with the kindergarten class with tears in my eyes.
Every since Cody came back from Iraq, 5 years ago, I've always teared up when talking or reading about our soliders serving in the military. I cry when I watch every homecoming on tv because I remember the day Cody came back from Iraq. I know I was very blessed to only have my husband gone for 3 months but that was still 3 months too long.

I want to say Thank you to every service member serving right now, every service member who has served and every service members family. I'm also attaching my favorite picture of my favorite service member (and a very sexy one too). I love this picture. This was taken in March of 2003 at the port of Umm Qasr. He was helping an Iraqi who was shot. This picture was talked about on many major news networks in 2003. It was on Geraldo, CNN, MSNBC and lots of others. It covered the front page of the paper in '03.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What to get the kids for Christmas?

Is anybody else having a problem with this? We are so tired of all the toys, so we are trying to do something different. Rylie really wants a balance beam, wedge mat and a set of bars for Christmas but we just do not have the place to put that stuff right now. Chase and Preslie haven't requested anything, well Preslie wants a monkey (not real). Cody and I are going back and forth right now trying to decide what we will get them.

One idea is the Fisher Price FP3 players for Chase and Preslie and well I owe Rylie a new MP3 player since I broke her last one. We also thought about the Fisher Price dvd players but we're just not sure. I'm considering getting them new blankets, towels and a few other things like that. I think they'll get a few movies and of course the usual books. Cody thinks we should get Rylie a pair of the Lilly Kelly shoes she's been wanting. Oh what a surprise that would be.

Oh, I just don't know. Every other year I've always known what to get the kids but this year I'm stuck. I know everyone else has probably already finished up their shopping and I've done that every year but this one.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Birthday party day

They had a ball!!! Rylie decided last month that she wanted a skating party, so we did it. It was so cute seeing Chase and Preslie on skates. Rylie is doing pretty good, considering this was her second time on skates. She told us that she wants her party there for a few more years. Guess we'll have to see. The kids got a few fun new things. In fact, right now they are sleeping in the living room in their new sleeping bags. I'll have to get a picture. They are exhausted, so I think they'll be asleep before long. I've added some pictures, as you can probably tell. The first one, which I'm very proud of, is the birthday cake. I worked really hard on it and it came out great. I think it's just how I envisioned it. I am getting better at my cake decorating skills. In the next one Preslie is pointing at her daddy out on the floor skating. I got one of Rylie when I got her to actually slow down for a picture. And the last one is the walking Tony Hawk billboard, Chase. He really loves skateboarding and Tony Hawk, so he has on the pants, shirt and the jacket was in the car. In fact, most of his wardrobe is Tony Hawk stuff.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What a day!!!!!!!

It started first thing this morning! Chase threw one of his fits because he didn't get to help stir the eggs. So, he spent 30 mins in his room trying to calm down. Preslie was upset because she didn't get the monkey she wanted. Rylie cried because we didn't have a dessert she wanted to put into her lunch, so she wanted to eat lunch at school (which she normally does but I know she won't eat the baked potato). This was all before 7 am today. Then, we get to school and Rylie's tears start again. She "accidentally left her backpack at home". My response, "sorry, take your punishment and remember tomorrow". Of course, she didn't get in trouble.

Once at school, I had to test Bible verses and sight words. Pull last weeks homework out of the folder and add this week's homework. I made copies, got dictation sentence stuff together, and put the to be graded papers together. I thought I might get a break at lunch, but nope it was not going to happen. I felt like the mom on "A Christmas Story". Everytime I sat down to take a bite, there was something else happening. I think I had 3 dropped forks. Then there was please open this, can I eat my pudding now and so forth and so forth. I went in and got nap mats together and then off to the playground I went. Recess wasn't that bad. Nap time was not rest time for me. I ran here and did this and ran there and did that. Finished getting labels together for homework folders, put together the book orders and Schwann's order forms and watched the 1st grade for a little bit.

All and all, not that bad just busy. I came home from work and just jumped into a very hot shower and relaxed. Cody did dinner while I loaded the dishwasher, started a load of laundry, got the kids dinner together and their bathwater started. I got him to also switch over laundry while I washed kids and I helped Rylie with her homework while I eat dinner. Now, it's bedtime for the kids and I'm relaxing.

I so need to finish up Preslie's birthday letter. I write the kids a letter each year on their birthday and then I'll give them to them when they turn 18. I started it on Rylie's first birthday and I've continued the tradition. It takes time, but I love thinking of them reading them when they are older. I need to fold laundry but I don't think that will happen tonight. I also need to get my list together for what I need to make the kids birthday cake with tomorrow night, we have the party on Saturday.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My babies are 4!!!!!!

How did that happen? When did that happen? I can't believe it. They both want to go to the party, which isn't until this weekend. Chase wants to open "surprises".

I remember when they were born. I was actually talking about it yesterday. I was thinking about how blessed we were to have two healthy babies born. How Cody and I talk about God sitting up there laughing at us sometimes trying to do this. I have to say this has been an adventure for sure. In fact yesterday, I made Cody move Preslie's car seat back into the back seat with Rylie. I am so tired of Chase and Preslie fighting, well Preslie fighting and Chase telling on her. I forget what she did last night but she had Chase on one side arguing with her and Rylie on the other side. It was so funny because Preslie was loving it. I looked at Cody and asked him what her deal was. His reply "she takes after her mommy". Oh yes he did and the sad thing, he's right. She does thrive on chaos and chaos that she creates is wonderful.

But, there are sweet moments as well (few and far between). Yesterday morning Chase and Preslie were hugging each other and passing out kisses. I love the moment at school when Rylie goes one way and Chase and Preslie go another. They all stop at the landing and give out kisses and hugs, Rylie goes up and C and P go down. I love how they will help each other, even if they fight about it as well.

I brought them home from the hospital on a Monday morning. It was right before we picked Rylie up from school and right before we took her to gymnastics. The twins and I waited at my mom's house while Cody did gymnastics with Rylie. I remember how we went from one carseat in the Explorer to three. Parts of these past four years are a little bit of a blur.

Happy Birthday Chase! I love you very much.
Happy Birthday Preslie! I love you very much.

Monday, November 3, 2008

First blog

I have so many things that run through my mind on a given day and today I thought that I needed to start a blog. So, here it is!

The drive to work is a long drive, but not boring by any means. I always seem to be navigating an argument between one of the two kids, if not all of them. Telling them that "mommy is driving and I will not get the drawing boards for you. You should have thought about that before we pulled out of the driveway". I play the same songs over and over because somebody sang somebody else's song. I've found the easiest thing to do most mornings is just tune them out. If they're not bleeding or choking or something then they're ok. I take that 30 mins to just let my mind wonder where ever it wants to.

This morning my mind wondered to the upcoming election as I listened to Rylie read political signs. I thought about how I'm really involved in this election. Heck, I already voted. And I'm sad to say this was the very first time. In my defense, 4 years ago we closed on a house on Nov 1st and had twins on Nov 5th. I really wasn't thinking about voting then. Four years before that, we were living in California and I didn't get my absentee ballot. And as sad as this is, before that I just didn't care. This election year, that has changed. I've watched presidential debates, something I never thought I would do. I've done my research and I've listened to many arguments. Rylie is learning about election day in school, in fact they are having a mock election tomorrow. She keeps asking me who I voted for and I have told her. But, I also tell her that she needs to vote for who she wants and not who we vote for. We're teaching the kindergartners about the election, since they will be voting tomorrow as well. It's so funny, because the kids know who is running for president. One little boy pipes up, "John McCain, John McCain, John McCain". I laugh every morning.